Chapter 54

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I was cuddled up to Mommy, eating Cheez-Its. I had earned them from eating my apple slices so I was pretty happy with them. I thought they were kind of stale but that was okay, I would just deal with it. My way of dealing with it was just repeatedly asking Mommy to eat one even though she said she didn't want one. How else would I get her to realize her terrible mistake of giving me stale Cheez-Its? I could use my words but that wasn't any fun at all.

"Cassidy, darling. I am trying to work, please stop asking me if I want a Cheez-It," Mommy says as she looks down at me. She was working on her laptop, resting it on the arm of the couch since I was using her legs as pillows. She had tried to get me to use an actual pillow but why would I do that when she was laying right there?

"They're stale. And work is boring. I'm doing you a favor," I whine as I use my legs to push myself a little bit more into her lap. She moves one hand to rest it on the side of my head, shaking her head slightly.

"What do you know about doing work? You've been slacking on doing any of that young lady," Mommy states. I huff at her words because that simply was not true. I had not been slacking at anything at all. That was rude of her to say.

"I not like doing work. I not even want to own my company," I mutter as I put my bowl of Cheez-Its on the table beside us. I turn over, resting on my back fully as I stare up at the ceiling.

"It is better to own your own company than to have to work for someone else," Mommy says as she taps my nose slightly. I rolled my eyes at her words because they were unneeded so I didn't know why she said them.

"Sell company, live off inheritance duh," I state as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"Watch the attitude little miss," Mommy warns, which makes me whine as I sit up to look at her.

"I not have an attitude," I argue on impulse.

"The eye rolling and saying duh point to the fact that you do," Mommy says. I had to admit she had a point even if I didn't agree with it. "If that is your oh so brilliant plan, why don't you sell your company?" she asks as she raises an eyebrow.

"Cause I don't want to have to talk to people and I don't like most people that wanna buy it," I whine as I crawl into her lap, sitting so that I'm facing her. Her one hand moves her laptop so that it doesn't fall, resting it on the little side table next to the couch.

"Why don't you like the people that want to buy it?" Mommy asks as her hand rubs my back, her nails gently scratching down my back. I squirm at the feeling, not used to it but deciding that I like it quite a lot.

"Cause most of them are mean snobs," I sigh, resting my head on her shoulder. I thought that was rather obvious. Most rich people were mean snobs. "You not though. I'd sell it to you and Daddy for like a million bajillion bucks," I murmur into her neck.

"Is that so?" Mommy asks, sounding just a slightly bit amused. I could also sense a bit of intrigue in her tone but that was more hidden.

"Mhmm, I don't like being the boss. Being the boss is no fun. Everyone thinks I am so mean," I whine. "I not mean, I nice. Want friends," I sigh sadly into her neck.

"I don't think you're a meanie," Mommy says to me as she gently pats my bottom. "You remember that boy that you played with at the park? Jackson," she reminds me. I nod my head. I remember Jackson very well because he was my bestest friend.

"What about him? He think I a meanie?" I ask sadly after a moment.

"On the contrary, his Mommy called me and wants the two of you to have a playdate. We've been talking back and forth every since that day in the park but we've both had a lot going on. Once you're feeling a little better you two can have a playdate," Mommy offers. I hurriedly got off her lap, looking at her with wide eyes.

"I got to clean up my room then," I say before I walk out of the room as quickly as I can. I had to clean my room, it had to look nice when Jackson came over. Plus I had to hide my bunny plushie away from him cause I wasn't sharing that one.

I walk up the stairs quickly, hearing Mommy call after me. I wasn't paying any attention to what she said, I was purely focused on cleaning up my room. I walk past a room, squealing when an arm reaches out to stop me. I tilt my head up slightly, staring up at Daddy with a small pout on my lips.

"What are you doing mister? I am trying to go clean my room for my playdate," I say as I put my hands on my hips to show how serious I am. Daddy just smiles down at me as he lifts me up, ignoring my pout.

"You mean the playdate that isn't happening until you are all the way better," Daddy says as he rests me on his hip. I shake my head at that, trying to squirm to get down as he carries me back down the stairs.

"Where was you even at?" I ask, trying to wriggle out his hold. He huffs, lifting me up so that I am not laying over his shoulder. He was treating me like a bag of potatoes, that wasn't very nice of him to do!

"My office, working," Daddy says as he acts like he's going to drop me, making me squeal softly.

"Mommy, save me," I whine as he turns around. I lift up my head to see that Mommy is still just sitting on the couch, watching me with a raised eyebrow. I reach for her, whining softly.

"Should have listened to me when I was trying to call you back downstairs," Mommy teases as she sticks her tongue out at me. Her Daddy was so awful and mean to me for this, I was never going to be their friend again.

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