Chapter 57

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

Daddy had made me sit in the back behind the passenger seat which was probably for the best. On the way to Jackson's I was kicking the back of the seat, unhappy with how long we were taking to get there. I did eventually stop, maybe cause Mommy said she would put me in the corner if I didn't and I did not want to have to stand in timeout when we got to Jackson's.

"Mommy, I want...I want to go play," I whine as we pull up to Jackson's. Mommy turns to look at me as she unbuckles herself. I go still when I see that she has her super serious face on. That was never a good thing cause that usually meant I was in trouble.

"I want to remind you that you are going to be on your best behavior today. You will mind your manners," Mommy warns. I nod my head as I fiddle with my seatbelt, knowing better than to unbuckle myself as Mommy gets out of the car. I do not want to risk getting in trouble before my playdate.

Mommy opens my door, unbuckling me. She moves out of the way as I shoot out of my seat, out of the car as soon as I can. Mommy grabs my hand before I can run ahead but I still pull her all the way to the porch. I ring the doorbell a bunch before she can stop me and then step back.

"Hello," Indigo says as she opens the door. I smile when I see Jackson peeking around the corner and he slips past her to come to me.

"Cassie, come play," Jackson says as he grabs my hand. He pulls me into the house and I follow after him.

"Hi Indigo," I say as I get past her, Jackson still pulling me after him. I follow him into the living room but someone stops him before he can go in.

"Babs," Jackson whines as he tries to push past the person. It doesn't work well because while the person is tall and slender, they have pressed their arms against the doorway to stop him from going on.

"You're not even going to introduce me to your friend before you go play?" The question is in the air before Jackson huffs, turning to look at me.

"This is my Babs, they are super mean and annoying. Babs, this is my super cool friend Cassidy," Jackson says which makes the person move.

"Nice to meet you Cassidy, my name is Arden," Arden says as they reach out to shake my hand. I do so quickly since Jackson is pulling me into the living room.

"No it's not, your name is Babs," Jackson rolls his eyes as he shows me some of his toy trucks that he has set out.

"I have a bunch of stuff we can play with," Jackson informs me as he puts down his toy dump truck. "I have a bunch more cars, a few plushies, my dollhouse, and my action figures," he states. "They're in my room though," he says.

I glance back to see Mommy speaking with Arden. I want to see what she says but Jackson is already leaving the room through another door so I follow him. His room is awesome, not as cool as mine but still pretty cool!

The walls are painted to look like a winding road that's going through a bunch of different terrains. He has a little race track that is even mounted on the wall. He shows me how it works as he puts a car on it and the car is immediately running down the track. It even does a flip at one point!

"You can play with all of my stuff except for my teddy bear. He is mine and my Mama says I don't have to share him," Jackson says as he points to a little teddy bear sitting on his bed. It's wearing a little helmet and is sitting in a makeshift car made out of cardboard.

"Okay. When you come play at my house you can't play with my bunny," I inform him, making him nod.

"Deal," Jackson says as he pulls me to sit down with him. I kind of scrape my knee a little bit but it's fine cause it doesn't hurt that much. He hands me a car, making me smile as I run it across the floor and up my leg.

"Want to race cars?" Jackson asks and I nod my head quickly. He pulls over a race track toy that looks half built and puts a car on it. I put mine on it and we push them both at the same time. He wins the first time and sticks his tongue out at me.

"Let's play again," I say quickly as I take my toy car and line it up with the line.

"Okay," Jackson agrees and picks a different car. I decide to take the one that he won with last night and use it and even with that, I still lose. I pout slightly but we keep racing and I even win once or twice.

Jackson shows me his dollhouse as well and we end up playing with that for a bit. Indigo brings up some drinks, I got juice and he got chocolate milk. I want chocolate milk too after I see that he does it but I don't ask in case that comes off as rude. Indigo seems to sense what I want though and she goes to get me a sippy cup full of that.

"Thank you Ms. Indigo," I say as I take it from her, taking a sip of it. It was very sweet, it made me shake my head for a second as I try to comprehend how much sugar I had just gotten in one sip. I was never going home now! Mommy never let me have such sugary drinks at home! Neither did Daddy although he did sneak me some candy once in a while. But if Jackson got this all the time, I was definitely staying with him. This was the best playdate ever!

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