Chapter 29

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I woke up to a hand gently rubbing my stomach. I pushed the hand away as I whined softly, trying to turn over so that the hand was off my stomach. "Such a fussy girl," I heard Mrs. Lee say, making me open my eyes and stare up at her tiredly. "Well hello to you Miss Cassidy," she said as she unbuckled me and lifted me up.

"Go away meanie butthead," I muttered with a huff escaping me when she gave my bottom a few stern pats.

"How old are you Cassidy?" she asked, making me sulk knowing I was in trouble already for name calling.

"I'm four," I said softly as I rubbed my eyes and looked to see what I had been lifted out of. It was a booster seat in the back of a car, I'm assuming Lillian's since she was the one who most likely drove us to Mrs. Lee's house.

"And at four years old is name calling really the best way to express ourselves and how we feel?" she questioned making me shake my head. "So do you want to rephrase what you said in a polite manner with no name calling?" she asked, making me nod.

"Go away please, I'm sleepy," I said, making her smile as she kissed my forehead.

"Good job, that's a much better way to express yourself and you even used your manners," she cooed as she held me close. I squirmed at the praise as I hid my face into her chest, whining softly. She knew how I felt about praise and how it made me feel but she still praised me all the time.

"No make me feel all squirmy," I whined, knowing that she was going to make me slip more if she kept it up. "Stop it please," I said.

"Oh such a good girl," she said, making me sulk as I started to slip more. "Let's go see what Lillian's doing," she stated as she bounced me slightly. I nodded my head as I rested my head on her shoulder, playing with her hair. "If you start chewing on my hair I will have to hand you off to someone else to hold," she said, making me whine.

"You're mean," I said with a huff as I started to chew on fingernails as a substitute to chewing on hair.

"Oh I know, I'm so mean," she laughed as she rubbed my back gently. She bounced me gently as I got comfortable, a small whine escaping me.

"You and Lilly keep bouncing me and I don't like it," I whined, making her stop with a small smile.

"Oh I'm so sorry, you just get bullied by me and Lillian," she cooed as she carried me inside to the kitchen where Lillian was packing a bag. "Look who finally woke up," she said, making Lillian look up and smile.

"Well hello to you little miss," Lillian said as she went back to packing the bag. "Hey Amelia, where is your husband?" she asked.

"He's doing some business work with one of our companies. We've had to hire on some new lawyers and he wants to make sure they're doing their job correctly so we don't have to worry so much," Mrs. Lee answered as she sat me down on the edge of the counter. I swung my legs back and forth as I watched the two women curiously.

"I want ice cream," I said, making Mrs. Lee shake her head. I whined as I looked at Lillian to try and get her on my side.

"Don't look at me, Amelia already said no which means that you can't have any," Lillian said. I frowned and kicked my legs out with a huff of anger as I tried to get off the counter.

"You stay up there little miss," Mrs. Lee said, making me stop and look her in the eyes. I could see the seriousness in her eyes which made me look away. I nibbled on my bottom lip before looking her in the eyes again, sliding off the counter. "Cassidy," she said as she raised an eyebrow.

"I don't wanna sit on the counter and you can't make me," I stuck my tongue out making her step closer to me which in turn made me shrink down.

"Do we stick our tongue at people?" she asked, making me shake my head. "If you had asked nicely I would have helped you off the counter and you could have gone and played while Lillian and I packed a lunch," she stated, making me smile. "However since you chose not to use your words and stuck your tongue out at me, you will be staying in here and helping," she said, making me whine softly.

"I don't want to do that, I want to go play with my toys now," I said as I stomped my foot. "You're the meanie head who put me on the counter," I stated with a huff.

"Well you're not going too and if you keep up the attitude little miss then you'll end up in the corner," she stated. "We've already been over the fact that you can't call me names," she said. I sat down on the floor and sulked slightly. "If you want to sit on the floor that's fine with me but go sit out of the walkway," she said. I got up and walked to the table, sitting down by it.

"What gotten into her?" Lillian asked as she looked at Mrs. Lee who shrugged. "I think she needs another N A P," she said making me groan.

"I know what you're spelling, I'm not stupid," I said making Mrs. Lee look at me. "I just want ice cream," I whined.

"No one said you were stupid," Mrs. Lee stated. "You can't have ice cream right now," she said as she zipped up the bag they had put everything.

"Have ice cream later?" I questioned her with a small pout on my face.

"Maybe," Mrs. Lee said as Lillian came over and picked me up. I lay my head on her shoulder with a pout, sucking on my thumb as I got comfortable.

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