Chapter 14

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*Cassidy P.O.V*
I skipped out of the elevator and went to leave the Wolf's building. I rolled my eyes as I passed the secretary who scoffed at me. I turned around and raised both my middle fingers while backing out the door.

"Fucking bitch," I muttered as I turned to look at where I was going. I may be little right now but I still never had a filter even at a young age. Perks of having an older brother who didn't care what he said or did around me.

I skipped down the sidewalk, smiling at the familiar ice cream parlor. I pushed the door open and hopped  over to the counter, using the tiles for hopscotch. "Where's Mrs. Johnson?" I asked the worker.

"Why do you need to talk to the owner?" The worker asked as he looked at me.

"She's my friend," I stated. "You can ask her," I said.

"Okay," the worker said as he went to the side of the parlor. He opened a side door and went inside. He came back out after a moment and I smiled when Mrs. Johnson came out. She glanced at me and smiled softly as she called me over.

I walked over happily, grinning when she pulled me into a hug. "Let's go upstairs little one," she murmured making me nod as she let me out of the hug. She opened the door and let me walk in first before following.

The door led to a staircase that we walked up quickly and she reached around me to unlock the door. She opened it up and let me inside. I looked around as I entered. Their living room looked the same as it always did though this time it had a few less papers on the table.

"So sweetheart am I talking to big or little you?" Mrs. Johnson asked as she closed the door behind us and locked it. She always did that to make sure no one could barge in to the apartment.

"Little," I answered making her nod and gently touch my hips making me look down. She always knew when I was and wasn't wearing a diaper or pull up just by doing that.

"Little with no protection on," she said as she had me go to the bathroom. "Go put on a pull up and then we'll have a talk," she said as she stepped out of the bathroom and shut the door.

I bent down and opened the cabinet, pulling a pull up out of familiar packaging. I lifted my dress up and slid my panties down, frowning at the fabric. I stepped into the pull up after taking my shoes off. I smiled as I let my dress down and opened the bathroom door, skipping over to couch.

I sat down making Mrs. Johnson glance at me as she walked over, sitting beside me. She picked her laptop up and put it on her lap.

"So little miss Cassidy, what are you doing walking here when you're little?" She asked making me look down at my lap.

"I wanted ice cream," I said making her sigh softly.

"I figured that out but you know Amelia doesn't like when you come by yourself," she stated.

"Ugh... your sister is so protective. Mrs. Lee didn't even know I was little until yesterday or atleast I didn't know she knew," I stated softly. "Did you tell her?" I asked turning to look at her.

"Maybe," she admitted as she rubbed the back of her neck. I glared at her in shock. "Can you blame me sweetheart? You needed someone to care for you, don't deny that," she stated.

"Rude," I muttered. She got up and brought over some slippers, I always brought them here for when I slipped around her. I slipped them on and stood up.

"Where were you before you came for ice cream?" She asked as she grabbed my hand gently rubbing her thumb over it.

"The Wolf Law Firm. The owners and your sister agreed that they would jointly take care of me so I could have a break," I stated making her sigh.

"So why didn't one of them come with you?" She asked as she unlocked the door and lead me downstairs.

"I just told them I was going to get ice cream, I didn't really give them the chance to come with me," I shrugged making her sigh and shake her head.

"Next time you come here and you're little you better have one of them or Amelia and her husband with you. Or else I will call Amelia and she'll have no issue tanning your bottom red right here in the parlor," she stated quietly as we walked into the parlor.

"No," I whined as I covered my bottom. She smirked as she went behind the counter and got a cone out, going to the soft serve machine and swirling the cone slowly. She turned around and brought over the cone to me.

"Here's your twist on a waffle cone as you always request," she said as I took it from her. I licked it and smiled as she pointed to a booth. I nodded, going to sit down in it. She watched me for a moment before heading back upstairs.

I sat there, quietly licking the ice cream as I swung my legs back and forth. I nibbled on the cone, slowly biting away at the sogt edges until I got to the harder part of the cone.

I wiped the ice cream I had managed to get around my mouth in the first few bites, using my thumb to remove the excess. I popped it into my mouth, sucking on it until the ice cream was gone.

I didn't look up when the bell rang to the parlor, the door clearly ringing. I went back to the ice cream, licking at it as I heard heels click. A shadow fell over me causing me to look up.

"Uh oh," I said, staring at Mrs. Wolf who had her hands on her hips.

"Uh oh indeed," she said, frowning at me angrily.

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