Chapter 8

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Cassidy shivered as she felt Mrs. Lee's nails scratch her back. She always loved to have her back scratched and rarely had anyone to do it. She sighed as she drifted off to sleep, curling into Mrs. Lee for warmth.

"Oh sweet girl," Mrs. Lee said as she smiled down at Cassidy waiting to make sure she was asleep. "Okay, we're good to talk now," she said with a nod of her head as she looked at Mrs. Wolf.

"You sure?" Mrs. Wolf asked, glancing at Cassidy.

"I'm sure. Once Cassie goes to sleep, she's asleep for good," Mrs. Lee smiled.

"That's a cute nickname for her," Mrs. Wolf said.

"I know. She responds better to that then her full name," Mrs. Lee said.

"I imagine she would, she doesn't seem to like it when you say her full name," Mrs. Wolf said.

"No she doesn't. I don't really say it unless she's in trouble and when she's in trouble I usually am pretty lax when it comes to punishing her unless it's something I despise her doing," Mrs. Lee said as she stroked Cassidy's cheek with the back of her thumb.

"Like throwing a fit?" Mrs. Wolf asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Back talk is also something I despise," Mrs. Lee murmured.

"I imagine someone as old as you values respect a lot," Mrs. Wolf joked with a small smile.

"I'm not old, I'm 46," Mrs. Lee scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "And I could easily beat your ass," she said.

"Oh did I upset your fragile old lady feelings?" Mrs. Wolf asked with a small smirk.

"Ooh child you are asking for it," Mrs. Lee rolled her eyes with a small smile.

"Child? I am the second oldest in this room," Mrs. Wolf scoffed.

"You're also the second youngest which is why I called you child. The youngest in this room is my baby," Mrs. Lee smiled softly.

"Your baby?" Mrs. Wolf asked.

"Yes, my baby," Mrs. Lee said.

"I've already laid my claim as her caregiver Abigail," Mrs. Wolf said.

"We can share. I can babysit her," Mrs. Lee said while cuddling Cassidy close to her chest.

"Fine, you can babysit her," Mrs. Wolf sighed as she rolled her eyes. "If she even agrees to allow me to be her caregiver," she said.

"She will. As much as she wants to pretend to be a grownup, she's still a baby," Mrs. Lee said. "And sometimes you have to show babies what's best for them," she smiled.

"You truly believe that?" Mrs. Wolf asked with a small smile.

"With all of my heart," Mrs. Lee chuckled as she looked down at Cassidy who had started squirming. Cassidy whined as she started to squirm. "What's going in that pretty head of yours?" She asked, watching Cassidy's eyes open.

"Hot," Cassidy whined as she tried to sit up.

"I'll turn the air conditioner on sweetheart," Mrs. Wolf said as she got up.

"No. Off, want off," Cassidy said as she tugged at her shirt, trying to pull it off of herself.

"No Cassie, we keep our shirts on," Mrs. Lee grabbed her hands gently as Mrs. Wolf went to turn on the air conditioner.

"No! It's hot," Cassidy cried, showing how deep into littlespace she was to the woman.

"I know you're hot but we can't take clothes off when we have company," Mrs. Lee said, hearing the air conditioner kick on.

"Yes we can, you just hate me," Cassidy said as she started to cry harder.

"I don't hate you Cassidy, but taking clothes off around others is a no no," Mrs. Lee said.

"Then I'll take it off in the bathroom," Cassidy said as she struggled, trying to get free of Mrs. Lee's hold.

"No you will not," Mrs. Lee rolled her eyes. "Your clothes are staying on and that's the end of that," she said.

"Nooooo," Cassidy whined as she kicked her legs out. "Off," she said with a pout.

"Sweetheart if you take your shirt off then when your big again, you'll be upset that you took it off with other people around," Mrs. Lee explained.

"No, I won't. I'm big now," Cassidy said.

"Fine, take it off then," Mrs. Lee said making Cassidy grin as she tried to pull her shirt off, pouting when it wouldn't come off.

"Let me help," Mrs. Lee sighed as she pulled the shirt over Cassidy's head, leaving her upper body in just a bra.

"Thank you," Cassidy smiled, not noticing the look Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Wolf were giving her.

"What happened here?" Mrs. Lee asked as she touched the scar rubbing down Cassidy's body.

"No touch," Cassidy smacked her hand away.

"That was very rude Cassidy," Mrs. Wolf spoke out. "And it was naughty aswell," she said.

"Don't care, don't touch," Cassidy said as she put her hand over her scar with a frown. "Still hurts," she murmured.

"Just because it hurts doesn't mean you can hit my hand away," Mrs. Lee said.

"Sorry," Cassidy looked down for a moment before making eye contact with Mrs. Lee. She grabbed the hand she had smacked and kissed it. "Better now?" She asked.

"Yes, it's better now," Mrs. Lee smiled at the girl's attempt to apologize. "Thank you sweetheart," she said. Cassidy cuddled into Mrs. Lee with a small smile on her face.

"Back scratchies?" Cassidy asked with a hopeful smile.

"Oh you're a glutton for back scratches," Mrs. Lee chuckled as she scratched Cassidy's back.

"No," Cassidy shook her head. "What's glutton mean?" She turned to Mrs. Wolf and asked.

"You like them a lot," Mrs. Wolf said.

"Oh then yeah," Cassidy said as she nodded her head. Mrs. Lee chuckled as she laid back while letting Cassidy lay on top of her. Cassidy snuggled into her with a small smile as she stuck her thumb in her mouth. "Night night," she murmured while closing her eyes.

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