Chapter 21

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Cassidy's new toy^^

*Cassidy's P.O.V*
I pouted when Mrs. Diangelo took my new toy so that she could wash off the pacifier part of it. I let Lillian know how upset I was by putting my head on her shoulder and crying softly. She shushed me softly while rocking me back and forth.

I quieted down when Mrs. Diangelo came back and handed me my toy. I shoved the pacifier into my mouth and sucked on it as I held the lion close to my chest. "Are you happy now?" Lillian asked as she wiped my tears away with her thumbs. I nodded with a small smile on my lips.

"My goodness you haven't even had this toy for five minutes and you're already attached to it," Mrs. Diangelo commented making me huff softly. Of course I was attached to my lion, this was the first toy Lillian had ever given me and I really liked it.

"Leave the poor thing alone, she just wants to suck on her paci and cuddle her lion," Lillian rolled her eyes as she bounced me slightly. I nodded my head while cuddling into her as she walked into a store. I shivered from the cold air in the store and cuddled into her even more.

"I want a blankie," I said as I tugged on her shirt. She looked down at me and sighed as she grabbed a blanket, going and buying it. I shivered as she paid for it before wrapping it around me. "And I want down," I said making her sigh as she set me down. She took my hand and I followed her as I held the blanket around me.

"You look like a little penguin and you even have a little waddle," Mrs. Diangelo said making me blush and whine as I sucked harder on my pacifier. "Oh such a fussy baby," she cooed making me pout at her.

"I am not a baby," I said. "I'm a big girl, I'm four," I told her as I stomped my foot slightly with a frown.

"Oh of course sweetheart," she said as she patted my head. I shuffled closer to Lillian and she patted my bottom as she looked through the aisles. I huffed as I rolled my eyes, knowing no one was gonna treat me like the big girl I clearly was. She went into an aisle that had railing in it and was looking at it.

"Why are you looking at this stuff?" I asked, taking my pacifier out and holding my lion close. Only babys had railing because they could fall out of bed.

"I'm looking at some railing for the side of your bed," she said making me whine and stomp my foot.

"Nooooo. Only dumb babies need that stuff," I said making her turn to look at me with a raised eyebrow. She crouched down and shushed me as she pulled me close.

"I'm getting you this not because I think you need it but because it will keep the monsters out," she said making me tilt my head. 

"It keeps monsters out?" I asked curiously as I glanced at the railing with a look of disbelief.

"Yes it does," Lillian said with a small smile. "It will keep you all nice and safe from the big scary monsters," she told me.

"Okay, I guess we can have it cause it keeps monsters away," I told her making her nod as she put it in the cart I guess Mrs. Diangelo had went and got. She picked nice blue colored railing which was good I guess. Lillian walked down the aisle and got a blue stool. "What's that for?" I asked softly.

"It's going to be a timeout stool," she told me making me pout. I was always good, I would never need a timeout so there was no need to get a stool for timeout. I was going to argue but by the time I opened my mouth she had already moved us to the next aisle. I pouted more as she tried to pick out a good color to pain the walls. I pointed to a light teal which she said was fine but then she went into a rant about baseboard color.

"Let's go baby," Mrs. Diangelo said as she picked me up. I looked up at her curiously with a puzzled look. "We're gonna go get something to snack on while she is being all silly about paint," she told me as she carried me out of the aisle. I curled into her as I pulled the blanket over my head, sticking my pacifier back in my mouth.

I was starting to realize I didn't like the mall at all. It was so noisy and loud that it hurt my ears. People were always moving about and I didn't like when they brushed past me even with Mrs. Diangelo carrying me. Plus everyone's voice seemed to echo in my head and I felt like they were all talking about me and mocking me.

"So would you like a pretzel to snack on?" Mrs. Diangelo asked. I nodded my head as I peeked out of my blanket to look up at her. She stuck her tongue out at me making me giggle happily as I cuddled into her. She got in a line, that's what I assumed anyways because she stopped walking, only moving forward every minute or so. I heard her order it so I just stayed hidden underneath my soft blanket. Once she got the pretzel she carried me to a table and sat down in a chair.

I whined when she pulled my blanket off of my head. She rolled her eyes as she sat me on her lap, turning me so that I was looking at the table. She put a pretzel down in front of me and thing of melted cheese. I tore pieces of my pretzel off and dipped it in the cheese to eat it, scarfing it down and then licking the rest of the cheese that was left out of the container.

"Can you ever stay clean when you eat?" I heard Mrs. Lee ask which made me set the container down and turn towards the sound of her voice with a smile.

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