Chapter 36

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I sat quietly on Daddy's lap throughout the meeting, playing with the buttons on his shirt. He would suddenly tickle me and leave me in a giggling mess, smiling down at me. I switched to Mommy's lap at some point, staring up at her. She stuck her tongue out at me and made me giggle so I copied her and stuck my tongue out at her. She kissed the tip of my nose before I settled down, cuddling into her.

"Meeting is boring," I said as I looked up at Mommy. She chuckled and nodded as I bounced on her lap out of boredom.

"I know," she whispered. "How about you take a nap and then when you wake up this boring meeting will be over with," she promised me.

"Naps are boring though," I said with a small pout on my lips.

"I know but meetings are more boring aren't they?" she asked. I nodded my head as I buried my face into the crook of her neck. I enjoyed the darkness and closed my eyes, matching my breathing pattern to hers. I could hear the meeting in the background but it was growing fainter with each breath I took.

"Nini Mommy," I whispered as I snuggled into her, wrapping my arms around her neck. She rubbed my back, humming softly under her breath. I sighed contently as the world faded from around me.

I woke up when I felt movement and then light hitting my face. My eyes snapped open and I rubbed them, looking around tiredly. I sighed when I realized that I had woken up out of littlespace, feeling disappointed that had happened. I normally woke up deeper in littlespace but on rare occasions like now, I would wake up out of littlespace.

"Good to see you awake," Lillian said, making me glance at her. I noticed we were in the meeting room and then what had transpired hit me full on.

"Oh my god," I said with a groan as I rested my head on her shoulder. "Everyone saw me in littlespace," I muttered with a small frown.

"What's wrong with that?" Markus asked, making me glance at him.

"Everyone barely respected me since I was the youngest law firm owner and now that they know I'm a little I doubt any of them will respect me," I said with a frown.

"Their respect is not going to change just because you are a little," Lillian said as she gently fixed my hair. "I promise you that," she reassured me.

"I don't believe you," I said with a frown as I looked down at the floor.

"Don't believe who about what?" Mrs. Lee said as I heard the door shut.

"Cassidy doesn't believe me and thinks that everyone will have no respect for her now that they know that she's a little," Lillian said simply. I climbed off of her lap, stretching out carefully and hearing my bones pop.

"Well Lillian is right even if you don't want to believe her little miss stubborn," Mrs. Lee stated as she walked over to me.

"I am far from stubborn compared to you," I said as I smiled softly. "Have you seen how you get when people don't agree with you," I stated with a soft chuckle.

"I have no clue what you mean," she said as she rolled her eyes. "Now give me a hug you brat," she said as she hugged me. I returned the hug tightly, smiling softly.

"I am not a brat," I said as I leaned back and stuck my tongue out at her. "And even if I was I am not a grumpy old lady," I stated, squirming away from her as she narrowed her eyes. "Can't catch me," I said as I ran behind Lillian.

"Don't use me as a shield," Lillian said as she moved and left me exposed. I scrambled to the other side of the meeting table, staring at Mrs. Lee with a smile on my lips.

"I'll catch you if it's the last thing I do," she informed me. She went to go around the table and I darted underneath it, crawling to the other side. I popped up and stuck my tongue out at her.

"Still can't catch me," I said as Mrs. Lee went to go back around the table. I jumped onto the table and ran across it. "Catch me," I said as I jumped off the table, Markus barely catching me. "Thanks," I said as he put me down.

"You cheater," Mrs. Lee said, having approached me while I was getting caught by Markus.

"It's not cheating, it's called being innovative," I said as I rolled my eyes. "You should know, you taught me to do that," I stated as I crossed my arms over my chest. She kissed my cheek with a soft smile.

"I have to get going, I wish I could stay and teach you some manners but I have a lot of work to do," she stated.

"Okay, goodbye," I said as I pouted slightly as I hugged her goodbye. "See you tomorrow right?" I questioned.

"Of course you will see me tomorrow," she promised. "Now goodbye Cassidy," she said as she hugged me tightly before leaving.

"Looks like you losers are stuck with me," I said as I spun around and looked at Lillian and Markus.

"Ha ha," Lillian rolled her eyes. "Are you going to stay at our place tonight or do you want to stay at yours?" she questioned me.

"It depends," I said. "Can I make cupcakes if I stay at your place?" I asked.

"Yes," Markus said quickly. "What?" he said as he noticed the look Lillian gave him. "She's a good baker," he shrugged with a small smile.

"Yeah, we can make cupcakes if you stay with us," Lillian agreed.

"Okay, I will stay with you then," I said as I hugged them both. "Can Diego come over too?" I questioned. "He will get lonely if I leave him alone for too long," I informed them both.

"Yes, your hellspawn of a pet can come over," Markus said with a laugh. "My fathers seem to like him a lot, they would not stop talking about him," he informed me.

"Everyone with taste likes Diego which explains why you don't like him," I said, making him stick his tongue out at me. I stuck my tongue out in return.

"Okay children, let's go home," Lillian rolled her eyes as she watched us.

"Race you to the car," I told Markus before I took off running, hearing his footsteps behind me as I ran.

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