Chapter 42

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

Once I made it to the backyard, I played with Burma and Rosabella for a little bit. We played tug-of-war with me being the toy that was getting tugged about. They kept biting onto my pants, very gently as to not hurt me, but hard enough that they could pull me around. I squealed in laughter whenever they managed to pull me down to their level.

They covered my face in slobber when they licked me. They never bit me once I was down on the ground, instead they just knocked me over a lot. Once I managed to get a ball that was laying on the ground, I threw it and they ran off after it. As soon I got up, I ran over to the backyard gate. Instead of trying to do the smart thing and open the gate, I tried to climb the gate. It was over six feet and I easily managed to climb it.

Once I reached the top, that was when problems arose. I did not like heights and I was having a hard time trying to get down. At one point I decided to just forget about any sense of safety and just let myself hit the ground. It was very painful and I hurt my elbow. I allowed myself to cry as I stood up, brushing myself off quickly.

"Stupid heights," I whispered with a small frown on my lips. I had scraped my elbow and I wished I could go inside to get a band aid but I had just snuck out so I couldn't go ask Mommy for that.

Once I was up, I looked around. I was not wearing shoes so I decided to stick to walking in the grass. The grass was cold with morning dew and I found it hard to stand still. I had to constantly move around to avoid my feet getting too cold.

I stopped at the end of the lawn, standing still as I looked around. I had never been to this town but I wasn't going to complain. A new place to explore was exactly what I needed. I stepped onto the sidewalk, deciding that a walk around the neighborhood would be good. I froze when I heard the front door open and tried to duck behind Grana's car.

"Cassidy Marie Lance," I cringed when I heard Grana's voice, a small whine escaping me as I reluctantly stood up. I huffed when she walked over to me, scuffing the ground with my feet when she walked over to me.

"Cassidy," Mommy was much faster than Grana and sounded much more disappointed in me. "I told you not to leave the backyard," she scolded.

"Yeah but I'm supposed to break rules," I whined.

"Rules are supposed to keep you in line, not for you to break because you feel like," Mommy scolded. I whined softly as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"It's fun to break them," I muttered.

"It will not be so fun when I put you in the corner now will it?" she asked. I shook my head quickly. I didn't want to stand in timeout, it was so boring. There was no way I could handle a time out.

"Walk," I said as I pointed down the sidewalk.

"No going on walk," Mommy said as she lifted me up.

"Yes," I said simply as I squirmed to get down. She tapped my bottom warningly and I stopped squirming.

"You can go on a walk later, after your timeout," she said. I huffed as I went dead weight on her, making her have to use two arms to carry me.

"No timeout, bad mommy," I whined as I tried to kick away from her. I whined as she carried me inside, refusing to put me down until we were back in the living room. She sat me down, making me look at her.

"You are going in timeout because you think breaking the rules I set for you is a good idea. I set them to keep you safe, you continuing to break them shows me that you are not big enough to think of the consequences of your actions," she said simply.

"Your rules are stupid, don't keep me safe. Just make me really bored," I whined as I crossed my arms over my chest, pouting at her.

"You may not see how they keep you safe but they do, turn around and face the corner," she ordered. I whined as I turned around, kicking the wall angrily. "Ten minutes, you can handle that," she said simply.

I stared at the wall, going cross-eyed in my attempt to stare at the corner. I pouted the whole time as I heard the timer start, silently counting in my head. I was not going to be sorry for not listening to Mommy. She was bad at letting me do what I wanted to do.

After what felt like forever, I started to fidget. It had to have been 10 minutes by now. I whined softly as I heard Mommy clear her throat. I stood more still after that, still pouting. My time had to be close to being up by now.

I nearly squealed with joy when the stupid timer went off. I immediately backed out of the corner, looking at her with a small pout. She held out her arms and I fell into them, letting her hold me. She rubbed my back as I sniffled.

"Are you sorry for not listening?" she asked.

"I'm sorry I got in trouble," I retorted, making her sigh softly.

"Tone little girl," she warned as she tapped the end of my nose. I huffed as I crossed my arms, refusing to look at her.

"I want Grana," I said simply as I looked at Grana who was sitting on the couch. She absentmindedly checked her phone as she patted her lap. As soon as she did that, I was across the room and onto her lap.

"Naughty girl, always getting into trouble," she teased. I pouted as I rested my head on her shoulder, watching as Mommy looked at her phone.

"Someone is at the door, give me a second," Mommy said after a second before she left the room.

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