Chapter 27

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

"It's okay baby," Lillian cooed as she picked me up for a second and kissed the top of my head. "Go back to coloring, I'll go see who is at the door," she said as she rubbed my back before heading to the door. I heard the door open and froze as I listened to her voice.

"Dmitri, Zenith," Lillian said, her voice going quite for a moment before I heard her shoes tapping across the floor back to the living room. I stared at the puppy drawing and kept coloring, scribbling lightly in the same place. "Darling, it's okay. It's just Markus's fathers," she said making me look up slightly out of curiosity.

One man had Markus's distinctive hazel eyes which were peering at me curiously. He had darkish blonde hair with brown roots. He had a similar build to Markus, looking about the same height and looked like he had a meeting to go to in his grey business suit.

The other man had greenish black eyes which were studying me.  His hair was coal black and was tied back in a small bun. He had a stronger build then the other man, seeming more muscular. He was also wearing a business suit but his was a dark blue.

"Cassidy this is Dmitri and Zenith," Lillian said as she pointed to the blonde and then to the black haired man. "Dmitri, Zenith, this little one is Cassidy," Lillian said as she made her way over to me, sitting down beside me.

"Hello," Dmitri said, his voice being quite soft and quiet. "It's nice to meet you," he said making me smile softly.

"Hi," I said as I waved back to him before hiding against Lillian, peering around her to look at the men.

"She can be a bit bashful sometimes," Lillian said as she pulled me onto her lap, my bare legs rubbing against the soft fabric of her pajama pants. I blushed realizing that I was still only in my t-shirt and diaper with nothing to hide my diaper. I whined softly and buried my face into Lillian's breasts, her hand moving to rub my back.

"That's perfectly fine," a new voice said leaving me to deduce that it had to be Zenith. "We can't expect her to warm up to us already," he stated. 

"Yes I suppose you're right," Lillian said as she patted my back lightly. "Why did you two come here anyways? Markus and I live another house over," she asked, sounding puzzled.

"Markus sent us here. He had a guest over and we figured it was one of your clients. The client didn't sound too happy, he seemed to be screaming and hollering about something," Dmitri said. "What did Zenith and I interrupt?" he asked.

"Oh there's nothing you're really interrupting. Cassidy here was just coloring in some puppies," Lillian explained. I looked up at her indignantly, glaring at her with a frown.

"Are too interrupting something and I'm not just coloring in puppies. They're Dalmatian puppies," I stated while looking down at my coloring book. I went back to coloring with a frown.

"Don't get an attitude with me," Lillian said as she tapped my thigh lightly.

"You're not scary, Mrs. Lee is scary," I muttered as I pushed her hand away from my thigh.

"She told you," Zenith chuckled as I heard the tap of some loafers on the floor. I looked up to see Zenith sort of standing off to the side of the couch and looking down at my coloring page. "You're very good at coloring inside the lines," he said as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you," I smiled at him before I went back to coloring. "I like your hair," I told him as I bounced happily with a grin on my lips. 

"Thank you," Zenith said. The couch dipped down slightly and I glanced to the side to see Dmitri sitting down next to Lillian. 

"May I help you color?" Dmitri asked. I nodded and handed him a blue marker. 

"You color in the puppy spots," I told him with a grin on my lips. "Stay inside the lines or else," I added as I narrowed my eyes slightly. "Understand?" I asked him.

"I understand," he nodded his head with a serious look before he started to color in the spots on one of the puppies. 

"Good job," I told him as I went back to coloring, my tongue peeking out from my lips slightly from concentration. Lillian bounced me slightly making me stop and turn to look at her with a frown. "Stop it," I said as I narrowed my eyes slightly with a frown.

"Or what?" Lillian asked as she smirked at me, making me huff and cross my arms over my chest. She bounced me again making me glare at her with a frown.

"Or this," I said as I took my pink marker and drew a line across her face with it. "Next time listen to me," I stated as I stuck my tongue out. Lillian reached up and touched her face, pulling her hand back and staring at it in shock. 

"You little miss have just earned yourself a timeout," Lillian said as she took the marker from me and put the cap on it. I whined while trying to grab it back until she picked me up and carried me to the corner of the room. 

"No timeout, no," I said as I pushed at her chest with a frown, wriggling in her arms making her grip slip slightly. She tightened her grip on me as she sat me down and turned me around to face the corner. I whined and stomped my foot but didn't leave the corner, knowing that it would just get me a longer timeout.

"You can stand here and think about why it's mean for you to draw on people while I go wash my face," Lillian said as she tapped my bottom before I heard her walk away. I stood there, getting increasingly more frustrated as I waited for Lillian to come back. I felt a hand press against my back before I was picked up.

"It's okay darling, calm down," Zenith cooed in my ear as he carried me back to the couch, his hand rubbing my back as I sniffled exaggeratedly. 

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