Chapter 61

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*Cassidy's P.O.V*

I had waited all week with great anticipation to go to Grana's house. Not because I was excited to go to Grana's but I was excited to cause trouble. Mommy seems to know that since all of today she has been giving me a suspicious look. Every time she does that, I smile innocently at her. That seems to keep her at bay until we're in the car.

"Cassie, you better be on your best behavior," Mommy says, her voice stern as she glances back at me. Daddy was driving so that meant all Mommy had to do was turn her head since I was sitting in the seat behind Daddy's. My booster seat was the one I got to sit in today since I wasn't feeling that small.

"I an angel Mommy," I inform her as I smile. I can see that Mommy doesn't believe me since she just narrows her eyes. "You look very pretty tonight," I inform her, trying to get the subject to change. I wasn't lying either, Mommy did look so pretty in her black dress.

"Thank you baby," Mommy says as she gives me a half smile but I can tell she is still very suspicious of what I am going to get up to. Why is it so hard to just let me be a brat in peace? Stupid grown ups always think that they're right and know the best. I bet Mommy doesn't know anything at all.

"Here," Mommy reaches her arm back and I see that she has a Milky Way in her hand. That was my favoritest type of chocolate! Maybe Mommy did know something after all.

"Thank you," I say as I take it, ripping it open. I take small bites cause I can see Mommy watching me in the rearview mirror and I don't want to get in trouble for eating it all at once even if that was the bestest way to eat it.

I kick my legs lightly as I look out the window, making sure not to kick the back of Daddy's seat because then I might get in trouble. I really do not want to get in trouble right before we get to Grana's. I bounce slightly in my booster seat as I keep staring out the window. I start to recognize some of the streets we are passing so I know that we are going to be at Grana's soon.

"Remember Cassie, you have to be on your best behavior," Mommy reminds me and I nod my head. I glance over at my diaper bag, reaching over it to grab my sippy cup. There's only water in it which makes me wrinkle my nose but Grana will probably give me something better to drink when we get there. I close my eyes as I try to nap for the rest of the way there.

My plan works a little too well and the next time I wake up, it's to Daddy laying me down on the couch. I whine as I try to cling to him, trying to wrap my legs around his waist. He chuckles as he lifts me back up, resting me on his hip as he looks at me.

"Well hello little miss, you finally woke up," he says as he rocks me slightly and I cuddle up to him, sighing tiredly at his actions. He was rude for trying to put me down since I like cuddling up to him.

"Why you put Cassie down?" I ask suspiciously as I narrow my eyes while looking at him suspiciously.

"Remember, you're staying at Grana's," Daddy informs me, which makes me whine, throwing my head back dramatically. I cling to him even tighter, now doubly sure that he will not be putting me down and that I will not be staying at Grana's.

"I come with," I inform him sternly, trying my best to get my way. It doesn't really work though because Daddy manages to pull me off of him and sits me down on the couch.

"You are not going to go with us, little miss. You are wearing just a diaper and a nightgown. You don't even have shoes," Daddy says as he pauses, looking at me suspicion. "Which I thought Mommy had told you to put on before you left the house," he states, making me look away. That was true but I hadn't listened, I didn't want to wear shoes.

"I lost them in the car. A monster ate them," I inform him seriously as I glance at him, seeing him roll his eyes. I stomp my foot at that as best as I can, knowing that it won't do anything as I throw my head back.

"Someone is fussy tonight. Do you need an early bedtime?" I hear Mommy ask as she comes into the living room. I shake my head at her words, crossing my arms as I pout. Grana comes into the room and I hear her talk with Mommy and Daddy for a little bit before they tell me goodbye. I don't give them goodbye hugs or nothing, they don't deserve them for leaving me here with mean old Grana.

"Cassie, come help me," Grana calls from the kitchen. I huff as I turn over, looking at television with a pout. She had stupid baby cartoons on which I turned off, crossing my arms as I kept pouting.

"Cassidy," Grana calls again and I huff as I get up, stomping to the kitchen. Grana looks at me with a raised eyebrow from where she is standing.

"What?" I ask as I cross my arms to emphasize my anger. Grana moves over to me and I take a half step back. She grabs my arms, gently pushing them down at my side as she looks over me.

"Want to help me make cookies?" Grana asks and I hesitate. Cookies were so good and I really did want some but I was supposed to destroy her house. Cookies tasted so good though....

"I help," I finally agree, making her smile.

"There's my girl. Now what kind are we making?" she asks.

"Chocolate chip," I say like it is the most obvious thing in the world, giving her a dumbfounded look.

"Of course baby, how could I forget?" Grana rolls her eyes as she shakes her head slightly. "Go wash your hands and then we'll make them," she says. I smile as I skip over the sink, getting a bunch of soap on my hands before I start to wash them. Maybe destroying Grana's house was a bad idea, I wouldn't get cookies if I did that. I would have to think about it later, after I ate some cookies.

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