Chapter 29

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We finally reached home and I needed to go out like now.

'Austin' I called for him and I heard a slight rustling in my closet as I entered our room. I looked in ther to find him only in his boxers.

"Hey let's go for a run." I said not giving him a choice, he fallowed me to the balcony and I stripped down as he took off his boxers. We jumped in unison off the balcony changing in midair and taking off running. I felt finally free everything didn't matter, feeling the adrenaline pumping through my veins. The wind whipping my face and lifting my coat letting my skin breath. My feet moved fast against the ground hard and fast, I needed to go faster so my wolf took over.

I reached a meadow and stopped turning around expecting Austin to be there, but he wasn't. I turned human.

"Austin!!" No answer even through our mind link there was no answer.

"Au..." Soft worn hands snaked around my body, as his head nudged into my shoulder. He nibbled on his mark and a shiver ran down my spine. He pulled me closer to him as we stood in that amazing beautiful meadow I took in a breath of clean fresh air, but also something else.

"Stop, do you smell that." I turned around and saw Austin's eyes becoming black

"Oh fudge." He changed into his wolf and stood in front of me as about 5 rogues came out from the forest. I turned into my wolf 'cause I know I could do some damage. Soon after about 20 more came from behind us. No way were we gonna be able to fight these off.

I signalled the pack and so did Austin, yet we both knew it was over even before the fight ever started. All the rogues turned into human form at once, and the commanded we do the same.

I could tell the lead rogue was staring at me with lust as his eyes turned to gold. As long as we could talk to him long enough for the pack to get here. I told Austin this and he agreed. The rogues suddenly had Austin on the ground with at least 7 people on him. I was about to run to him but he told me to stand my ground. I looked menacingly at the lead rogue as he stared me down with lust.

"Damn girl you have the most amazing body, that was just meant for pleasuring a man. I heard a growl from Austin, he didn't like the thoughts going through this wolfs head and neither did I. He came closer lifting up my hair to see the mark that was unfinished.

"Too bad you didn't finish mating she would be stronger and less vulnerable." He spoke to Austin. I stepped back. He started circling me and his cold hand touched my shoulder and the royal mark that bonded me and Austin.

"Royals huh? Well then our mating progress will be very interesting." I stood frozen, he couldn't be serious could he? I started shaking trying to be strong but I was too afraid to have someone else's hands on me.

At that moment the whole pack pounced on the rogues and Austin got released. We turned into wolves but I was quicker, I had the lead pined down by his neck and I shook violently as he squirmed in pain under me.

"Caroline we have to go!" Austin screamed at me through our mind link.

"It's you they want!" I agreed and ran towards the house but stopped and looked back.

"I can't leave them, I can't let them fight for me and get hurt I can't!" I ran back and fought with them. I would not let my pack get hurt because of me. I ran towards the fighting even to Austin's requests that we go back, I just couldn't. I joined in the fight once I got there and pounced on the lead as he stood staring around in human form, stupid rogue. I was on top of him with my paw up ready to slit his throat as he lay on the ground. I turned to human form.

"Look what you've done, you messed with the wrong pack the wrong Luna. And now look your alone now with no one and your wounded, what have you accomplished?" My pack stood around me as I got off of him and talked.

"You now have nothing now get out of our territory." He slowly got up and turned to his wolf running away from the scene. I thought in my head, well now what? I turned to Austin and his parents. I ran up to Austin giving him a hug while he whispered...

"That was stupid, you could have gotten yourself killed you know that..." He was about to say more but I cut him off.

"Austin Austin... do you know what this means?" I pointed to the marks on our backs.

"It means that we are stronger then anything, it means that nothing can stand in our way it means that you know I had to do that." He looked down but I cupped his cheek and brought his face back to mine.

"You know I had to do it, but you also have to remember my life before you." I flicked his chin with the side of my finger. And I twirled to get around him.

I heard his father say 'son how did you manage to get such an awesome and fine mate?' I smiled swaying my hips a little more as I walked into the forest. I felt the pride that was radiating off of Austin and it felt great.

I took another breath and let it out in a sigh.

I jumped up into the air turning in to my white wolf and running to no where. I suddenly smelt something that was very familiar. Slowly walking over to the smell I saw my back yard. I practically jumped for joy as I turned to human and ran inside my house.

It was exactly the same as I left it, I ran upstairs and got hit by a huge wave of sadness as I looked into my moms room. I passed Annabelle closed door and opened it to see it still perfectly pink. I sighed walking to my room and jumping on my soft covers of my bed, remembering my other life.

My closed eyes shot open as I ran down stairs and into the guest bedroom remembering what happened that day. The guest bathroom still had the towel with my blood mark on it. Maybe me and Austin could live here with our pups, I would really love that.

'What about the little cabin in the woods.' A little voice reminded me about the cabin I found myself in that one day. I've always wanted that to be a me and Austin cabin, not a family cabin.

I placed the towel back on the counter and started cleaning my sort of messy house.

I finished cleaning out the fridge, putting away things in my moms room, cleaning the guest room and the rest of the house, also the backyard, then I realized I was still naked doing all this. Running up my stairs felt so familiar and it felt amazing. Opening my small closet I half expected a half naked Austin standing there, but the smell of my clothes was intoxicating. Grabbing a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a frilly white and blue top, I grabbed an underwear set and put everything on enjoying all the coziness of home.

Pulling my shirt on a howl came from the woods, was Austin looking for me? I felt an uneasiness go through me, just like I used to when I didn't like someone.

I locked the windows upstairs then locked the downstairs doors looking through a couple windows. I found the tv remote and sat down on the too familiar couch turning the Chanel to cake boss.

Watching the show for 10 minutes and I get a panic message from Austin.

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