Chapter 31

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I got to my grans and opened the door to find it smelling the same way it always did. Then Jackie came over to me and had a weak smile, she pointed towards a room at the end of the hallway. The door was slightly ajar as I pushed it open. The same squeak came out of it just like how it was when I was here as little kid.

My gran seemed so small in that queen bed, she seemed so fragile. As I crept closer she looked at me and gave me a loving smile, we were always close she taught me a lot about boys and how to stand up for my self she was like a second mom to me. I gave her a weak smile back and went over to the side of the bed, kneeling and taking her hand as she stared at me.

Until about 8 we had small conversations about what life was like and memories we had it was great, but the small part of her dying was nagging me I hated it. I didn't want to loose her not like I lost my mom.

Our last conversation last night was about me and Austin and the baby.

We both fell asleep with our hands interlocked, I thought it would be fine when I woke up but it wasn't... She was gone. I cried for about 2 hours until I pulled myself together with Jackie's aid. I told her I should probably go home and see how Austin's doing. She agreed and told me that I would feel better there then I would here.

I packed my things and drove off giving my gran one last good bye before I headed home.

As I approached a gas station I pulled in and was about to get out when I saw one of my old ex boyfriends. He was married and was going to have a baby, it reminded me of Austin and I. Smiling I filled up the car and kept driving home.

Pulling up to the drive way I expected Austin to come out but he didn't the whole area was quiet.

Opening the door and stepping in, climbing the small sets of stairs to the living area I heard a soft snoring. I smiled as I found Austin laying on the soft white couch.

Kneeling down I front of him I kissed his forehead and smoothed his cheek with my thumb. As his eyes opened I saw the excitement in them.

He pounced off the couch and knocked me to the floor, hovering on top of me.

"Well arn't we happy to see me!" I joked around and he kissed me, but soon this kiss became more needy and urgent. He picked me up off the cold floor and brought me to my bed room.

You can probably guess what happened in there but Austin didn't take it to far because I didn't want him to and he knew that.

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