Chapter 15

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I picked the lock and locked the door behind me once I was in. All I had to do was wait until they came home.

I've been here almost 20 minuets, the target is in the driveway. Once he opens the door he's died.

He opens the door BAM!!! ok so he's gone. Better not get blood on me it's so hard to get off. Of corse I'm wearing white great choice.

I looked around the house to find a computer it's a good thing he had one. I erased his name and looked at the second name: April Ocane. I researched her and found her address.

Hm that's far I'll take his car.

I grabbed his keys and sped off to the house of my next target.

Austins pov

I got back in the house and expected Caroline to be there, but in her place was a small note. I read it and got mad, she was the shadow that jumped from the house I have to find her.

I called some of the pack men and set out to find her. I fallowed her sent for about 5miles till I hit a house that she'd obviously been at since the guy laying down in the door way was died. Then I got a whiff of her and we all fallowed it for another 10 miles. I found her sitting at the island in the house with her feet up.

There was a gun sticking out of the back of her pants. We all moved to the back of the house as a car pulled in.

She opened the door, the first thing after that was BANG!!!! Then she hit the ground with a thud.

I looked through the side window and saw Caroline looking at the limb body on the floor. She looked around for something, she found what she was looking for so I walked in.

I stared at her for a second until I hit the bowl on the counter and she pointed the gun straight at me.

Caroline's pov

I stared at him in shock that he was here, I still had the gun pointed at him. I lowered it as his facial expression hated me right now. He came over to me and I swear to god by the look he was giving me I thought he was going to kill me.

Instead he came over to me and touched my mark that I totally forgot I had. It gave me shivers as I turned my head and made his hand move away.

"You know what this is?" I nodded. "It means that you can't just leave me like that 'cause I will find you." I laughed. "Only if I want you to."

I kissed him as the documents of my next target printed. I got up and took them, I walked out the door and started the jeep ready to leave.

I got in and waved a good bye but before I left he came over to my window.

"I'll find you and you can't stop me." I looked at him and gave him one last kiss. "Remember you will only find me if I want you to" Then I put the car in drive and went on my way leaving Austin in my dust. Hopefully.

Austins pov

I couldn't just leave her I would miss her too much I needed to be with her.

I jumped on the back of the jeep and made sure she never saw me. I couldn't just leave her I needed her.

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