Chapter 46

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"Where is she?" I heard from the hallway as I saw his face through the small window in the door. I called out his name and he rushed in the room, I smiled at him before the pain started again. I grabbe dhis hand a lot harder than I thought I did.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him, he laughed.

"Don't be sorry You have the right to." I squeezed his hand again. This is gonna suck.


After 2 hours of labor I finally had two beautiful baby boys, Pierce Landon Ambridge and Aaron Chace Ambridge both healthy both looking just like their dad. I held them both in my arms as I stared up at Austin and saw tears rolling down his face.

"Austin would you be able to take the boys we need to get Caroline cleaned up." The burse smiled and I passed the twins to Austin an dhe almost broke out in full fits of crying. I hugged him and half cried half laughed with him. The nurse took a photo an dthe nurse rolled me out, what a life we are going to have.

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