Chapter 8

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I woke up from a well needed sleep knowing that Caroline was sleeping happily in her little world and that she was safe.

I got up and walked into her room but the bed was made and there was no one in the room I began to panic I ran down stairs to see her messy haired sitting at the kitchen table drinking some milk.

"Good morning." Her voice came all happy yet there was something else.

"Good morning." She looked at me and said. "Nice hair." I tried to look up and she laughed.

I didn't know what was wrong she had a hurt expression on her face.

Caroline's prov

I got up this morning in a bed I didn't know.

"What the.." Then I remembered what had happened last night.


I was saying hi to a lot of people I don't know when all of a sudden a girl slapped me.

"I'm supposed to be Austin's mate not you! You are just some sort of mangy whore." Then she left so I held myself back from going after her and calmed down in a room.

Flash back over

Austins pov

My smile fell as I saw her eyes become angry. She let go of me so fast and ran out the door I couldn't catch her and I knew she didn't want me to. She just wanted to be alone ,but I couldn't just leave her. So I ran after her.

Caroline's pov

That son of a bitch hurt me I needed to get my anger out. I ran as fast as I could and I could hear someone behind me I knew it was Austin so I sent him a message, 'stop following me!!' he caught up to me and I was ready to kill a man. I got into my house and locked the door. I started running down stairs got my boxing gloves and hit every single thing in sight in my basement. Once that was done I started working with the guns on the walls and then my favorite the knives. After all that I went back out side and I was engulfed with man.

"Austin are you ok?" He looked at me and he was obviously shaking like a leaf.

"The more important thing is are you ok?" He engulfed me again. I nodded and got out of his grip with ease.

"Come on I want to show you something." We went in to my back yard and everything was exactly the way I left it. The pond with the water fall the pad with the pool, the chairs under the trees everything was perfect. I got to the pool and looked in it.

"You wanna go swimming?" I had a pleading look on my face. He looked at me.

"I don't have anything to wear" I looked at him with a 'really' look. I've seen him naked more then once I'll see him again.

He looked at me with raised eye brows.

"Don't even think about it buddy we will get to that one day." That's when I noticed I was in my dress and he was in his pjs, well bottoms anyways. He took off his pants right in front of me so I looked away.

He grabbed my hand and I got freaked out by the sparks that I felt that I backed up and fell. He looked hurt.

"I'm sorry I just got a little shocked by how cold your hand was." Which was not true his hand was so warm.

I took off my dress to show my Lacey bright red set that I had bought at the mall. I could tell he liked it by how dark his eyes got.

"You know if your eyes go black all the time you might stop scaring me." I said with sarcasm as he looked at me.

"Turn around." He looked like a little kid not getting his way.

I took off my stuff making sure he wasn't looking and got in behind him. He turned around and I still covered myself up the best I could. He took my hands off my body making sure not to touch me and whispered.

"You don't have to hide your perfect the way you are."

I put my head down and swam away he followed. "It's so easy to get away from you." I said from the other side of the pool.

He smiled, "or is it just you playing hard to get?" He blocked my path with his arms on either side of me he seated them on the pool. I just melted inside by the look he was giving me, " we just going to stand here or swim?" He made me stutter and I went under the water and through his legs.

I got to the other side of the pool so quickly even I was surprised.

We swam around for a while, we played Marco polo and swam in different patterns. It felt like it was only us in the world.

I got out of the pool and quickly covered myself up and got the lace bright red set on again and laid down on the nice bed round thing that we have it has tones of pillows on it and a cover for shade.

I laid down on it as I watched him swim back and forth.

Austins pov

We swam for awhile but by the time I was doing my 16th lap she wasn't in the pool anymore.

I looked around and found her laying on the bed beside the pool in the sun.

I got out and put my pants on and went and laid beside her. She looked at me with one eye and I noticed it was a different color from the other one I never really noticed.

She got up and called something but I let it slide.

Then I noticed today was wedsnday so she must have called the school.

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