Chapter 27

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Waking up feeling the softness of cotton everywhere, I love cotton if I could sleep all day in a cotton blanket, I would. I opened my eyes slightly, to reveal a soft snoring Austin still in his pair of jeans. I sat up getting a huge headache as I did, no way was I gonna be able to stand on my own. I silently crawled off the bed and was crawling to the bathroom. a silky voice came from behind me as a metre stood between me and the bathroom.

"That's a beautiful picture to wake up to." I just turned my head to see Austin looking at my butt, I flipped myself around and sat one leg bent all touching the ground while that foot was flat against my other outstretched leg, laying back on the cool floor. The shirt I was wearing was just too short for my liking since I was wearing nothing under it! I sat up making the head ache worse, but refusing to show myself to much.

After I pulled my shirt down, a split second later I was lying on the floor again with Austin on top of me.

"Don't ever hide yourself from me!" He was stern and serious as his eyes flickered from black to gold. His hands slid under my shirt, pulling it over my head as he admired my body. He nudged his way to his mark and inhaled my sent as he slightly bit on his mark making shivers go down my whole body. He laughed as he liked the way he makes me feel.

Our make out session lasted until we fell asleep in each others arms.

Waking up I found him smiling, I was about to talk but my stomach talked for me as it growled. We both laughed as he helped me up and into the huge closet which had a lot of women's clothes that were my size. Austin noticed my expression.

"I asked some maids to get you some clothes." He shrugged but I gave him a huge wet kiss, I picked out a set of panties and bra that looked cute and some black skinny jeans and a red iron maiden t-shirt, I cant believe they had one!

"What do you think?" I asked him as he sipped up his dark jeans with a black dress shirt. My mouth dropped open at the sight of him.

"You look great, very bad ass." I smiled, "Now lets get some food into you." He flipped me over his shoulder so I was staring at his fine ass. I just laughed as we walked... Well he walked down stairs to the kitchen.

"Good mor... oh my!" Was all I heard and then a giggle.

"Good morning son, how was your sleep? I see you found yourself a souvenir!" They both laughed.

"Ya I defiantly did." He patted my butt, he kept walking and I said good morning on the way by. As we walked through the tables of people they all giggled and waved, so I waved back and smiled. I'm just glad people are happy this morning. As I saw people giggle at us I looked at them with a huge smile on my face.

"Austin where are we going?" I tried to look from behind him but I'm glad to say I got distracted by the way his body felt under my hands.

"We are going to get you a dress my dear Caroline dear Caroline, a dress dear Caroline dear Caroline a dress." I laughed as he sung the dear Liza song, I was starting to get light headed though.

"Austin would you mind putting me down so the bloods stops pooling at the top of my head?" He didnt answer. "Or in other words I'm getting light headed!" I said this little louder so he'd catch my drift. he placed my converse bearing feet on the ground in front of him. I swayed as my blood started going back to where its supposed to be.

Looking straight at Austin now I saw he was looking at me strange.

"What?" He looked shocked for a second, but it soon left his face. Walking me over to breakfast area I felt my phone vibrate, man that feeling was strange to me, I hadn't gotten a text in over a month maybe more. I looked down at the phone realizing it was my best friend Alicia.

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