Chapter 11

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I woke up and found myself in a little room that looked like it was in a cabin. The room a was a warm yellow with white everything and wood walls and floors. I got up and walked out of the room into what seemed like a living room. I found the door and opened it to see his face. He looked really mad and he scared the shit out of me when I opened it and I shut the door on his face and found a back way out. I ran through a path way that was made like a fantasy of mine. I ran and ran until I found a road and started walking along it until I reached a town.

I was starving by this time since I've been running for hours so I went into a small café and guess who was there.

Yes him the guy that hurt me so badly the guy that killed my heart.

I was about to walk out of the café when.

"Caroline!" Came out of his dirty mouth. I just kept walking and kept my head held high as tears ran down my face.

He ran right infront of me and I just slid past him. He looked hurt as he took my hand and I shook him off. I didn't really know where I was walking I just wanted to get away from him.

I was giving myself a headache as I thought of what to do, my head ache was getting so bad I almost fell over. It was a good thing the brick wall was there to catch me.

Wait brick walls don't have arms, he caught me and I wiggled my arms out and turned around in his arms to look at his face.

Austins pov

She turned around and looked at me with hate in her eyes I can't believe I hurt her like that. That stupid bitch, how could she trick me into hurting Caroline like that.

"Look Caroline I can explain everything." She looked at me like she was going to kill me.

"Ya thats all they say I've been hurt to many times to fall for that again NOW LET GO!!!!!!!!"

She tried to break my hands away and for some reason I let go. She stormed off and I went home.

"KRISTA GET DOWN HERE!!" I yelled from the meeting room. When she entered the room she was immediately on my arm.

"Yes baby?" I was so disgusted by her I threw her across the room she looked at me hurt clearly in her face but I just felt disgusted.

"You are banished from this pack for eternity for hurting your future Luna and risking your alphas mate." She looked at me confused.

"But I'm supposed to be your mate we belong together." I closed my eyes and took in a breath.

"You have 2 days to gather your stuff and leave." I walked out and slept out side of Caroline's window.

In the morning I heard her get up and I ran to the front door she always unlocked it and when she did I knocked. She opened the door and looked at me.

"Yes?" she said happy? What would she be happy about?

"Look Caroline I can explain wh...." Before I could finish she grabbed a hold of my head and kissed me and made me stop.

"Look I understand just don't let it happen again ok and I will kill you if that happens again." I laughed at her as she kissed me again with such passion I got so horny and she could tell.

"Or I'll just kill you now." She got really close and rubbed her pelvis just the right way then left me hanging.

She reached down in her boot and pulled out a gun.

"Duck." I heard two gun shots and a thud. She quickly brought me inside. She ran back out side. I began to panic as I saw her fight off guy after guy. At the end it was just her and one guy. I looked away as her bullet flew through his head. She desposed of the bodies and came in side.

"What the fuck was that all about?" She was swearing to her self while holding her shoulder.

"You don't need to worry I got everything under control." She fell to the ground for all the blood she had lost.

"Don't touch me I can handle this just don't worry about it." I shook my head in shock.

"How could you say don't worry I love you and you got shot I'll be right back." I ran to the bathroom and got the first aid kit.

Caroline's pov

Those stupid bastards are never ever going to get those files not on my watch I'll transfer them on to my moms USB and destroy my computer. Suddenly I was getting held by the neck with a knife.

"Tell me where they are!" I was struggling to talk.

"Never." I quickly stepped on his foot and broke it as he bounced around on one foot I slit his throat and left his lifeless body on the hard wood floor. Ah I love my job, when I got shot in the side. The amount of blood that was coming out of me was very unhealthy. Another guy came in but I took my butterfly knife and stuck it right into his eye. I watched the two lifeless bodies be completely silent just like the day that I came home and the house was empty. I blackout a couple minuets later.

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