chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Caroline's pov

I can't believe him ugh he just pissed me off too much today I just need to relax and go to bed. I went to bed and all my anger made me very tired to I was out really fast.

When I woke up I looked out side the window of my door and he was there so I didn't unlock it and got ready for school.

After I was done I looked out and he was still there so I took the back way out of my house and to the school I got into my first class sat at the back and there was a desk beside me that was never there before.

When the class started my teacher miss Micneally started the day with... "Good morning class today we have a new student his name is Austin Ambridge." Oh god the one thing that I had to get away from him and he takes that away from me too.

"Hey." His voice rang through the class as I hid my face and plugged my music in so loud and closed my eyes.

"Ok Austin you can sit beside Caroline at the back please." I heard in between music. Oh great I knew I was going to pass and everything so I didn't have to listen to the teacher.

When I was told to take my music out I heard all the girls in the class whisper about Austin.

"Can you believe that he's real?"

"I know he's like perfect!" "Ya but I've heard he has a girl friend." I was getting mad.

I put my hand up on the desk and Austin took it in his hand and we got to work. Then I liked what the girls were saying

"How is she his girlfriend? She is so lame"

"Ya what does he see in her?"

"Ya like I am way better then her." then the bell rang I went passed them still holding his hand and said to the bitch's...

"He likes me because I'm not a bitch and won't fuck everything in site." Then I ran out of the class.

"So you are in all my class' now great and I'm sorry for yelling at you I just can't take people being rude and an ass to people you know?" I turned around and he just stared at me with a smile on his gorgeous face.

"What?" He just stood there and laughed. "I love you." I laughed.

"That's it? Just love?" He looked confused "Well what would you say to me?" I didn't have to think. "I need you forever and can't live with out you."

He pushed me up against the door on the side of the school to go outside and just stared at me until he finally lifted my head up to kiss me. After that I smiled at the ground and slid past him to go to my second period class.

It was finally lunch time yay. Me and Austin went out side for a perfect sunny day this day just can't get any better can it. We laid there for awhile until he let go of my hand and was getting dragged by some of the girls from first period.

I looked up and Austin looked at me with pleading eyes to get him away from them. I ran after them and they went behind the shed beside the track. I sneaked up behind them.

"Hey girls!" They all turned around to look at me the one that most looked like a slut called Emma turned around and said...

"What do you want you nerdy freak we have some business here to accomplish." I almost burst out laughing by the sound of her voice.

"Ya I have some business to accomplish here to." I imitated her voice. I tried to grab Austin's hand when she pushed me over and remember the last time a slut pushed me over.

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