Chapter 43

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I sat in the relaxing chair and Austin stood beside me as the doc walked in.

We said our hellos and I lifted my shirt as he placed the freezing gel on me I flinched at the sudden temperature change.

"Ok let's see here." He took the tool off the machine and moved the gel around looking for the baby.

"Here it is." I heard him say and me and Austin looked at the screen. I could just see the small baby slightly moving. My eyes slowly well up as I looked at the small thing growing inside me.

I looked at Austin and for the first time I saw tears well up in his eyes. He was truly happy.

After leaving the doctors it was late and I was tired.

He carried me up the stairs and placed me gently on the bed laying beside me.

I don't remember falling asleep but I got jolted awake by the phone ringing in our room. I answered it with a groggy voice.

"Hello?" The doctors voice came on the other side.

"Hello is this Caroline." I nodded but remembered he couldn't see me. I answered with a simple yes.

"Well I have some news for you but I'd rather you be down here for me to tell you." His voice had some worry in it as I agreed and told him we would be there in a couple of minutes. I quickly woke Austin and told him what the doctor had said.

We both rushed down the stairs and to his office he was already there.

"Ok please sit down." I was getting nervous. Was the baby ok?

"I have some exciting news." Me and Austin sat staring at him.

"You are having twins." My face must have gone white as Austin squeezed my hand reassuring me everything was going to be ok. I gave a weak smile to both of them as I stood waving slightly.

"Well then I guess we will have to buy a lot of things." We all laughed.

I walked out of the room holding Austin's hand. I pulled him up the stairs and we both started to get ready for the day.

We walked outside into the stormy weather and right into his black BMW. It reminded me of when my mom first died, then my dad came to mind, he's bin gone since the ball. I wonder what he's up to.

We drove the babies r us and looked around for more things.

We picked a dark wood crib with green bedding and a couple other things.

I sighed when we got back in the car. My life was moving to fast. I fell asleep in the car ride home.

Waking up on the couch in a small separate room I looked around not recognizing it. How many rooms were in this house? I slowly got up stabling myself and opened the door. It led to a hallway that was covered in a royal red and gold. The wallpaper lining the walls was velvet and the carpet soft under my bare feet. It seemed like I had seen this before. As I passed doors I opened them to find many offices and bedrooms, unoccupied.

There was one room at the end of the hall way, it seemed to pull be towards it.

Placing my hand on the gold knob I felt its engravings. I slowly turned it as the door opened with a squeak light cascaded over me making my eyes readjust quickly.

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