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Caroline's pov

The rest of the week went pretty much the same until the weekend that weekend a lot of things went such as me and Austin finally went back to that beautiful magical place that I thought only existed in my dreams.

I finally felt that we were connected in some way or another. "hey" I said in the most cheery voice I could even if he could tell it wasn't true, "hey...... What's wrong?" He said kind of hesitantly. I just shrugged and ate the wonderful meal Laural made for us.

Once we finished our breakfast ,said our thank yous, and left to our room to get dressed I was worried about where everyone was and how I never see them any more?

'They all leave really early to just roam the forests.' He was giving me a little bit of a head ache as he pushed all these thoughts into my head. I had a sudden urge to be out side so I opened his balcony doors and jumped onto the ground. He tried to grab me but I was to fast for him. I ran to the beach that seemed so far and into the water as the sun glistened and the wind blew as the warm mid day air rushed over me.

Austin appeared shortly after, I closed my eyes just to feel the sting of sand whipping at my legs. He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. While whispering sweat nothings in my ear.

We stayed that way as the sun disappeared from site. We walked into the house to see everyone having fun it lookers just like a family reunion, of corse I've never had one but I would think this is what it looks like.

We had fun that night I made a lot of friends such as heather, Austin's betas mate shes the one who introduced me to so many other members of the pack and me being scared was for nothing. As these people take me as who I am and I don't have to be any one else around them.

Most of them called me Luna, but I don't really under stand why.

"Hey Austin why did every one call me luna tonight?" I said after every one else went to their rooms or houses or where every they went. He just laugh at my question and pushed into my mind.

'They called you Luna because you will be the alphas mate, well... are the alphas mate so you are called Luna it means goddess of the moon and since this is the white moon pack you are the goddess of this pack.' I just smiled I've always wanted to be some sort of goddess.

"I'm gonna go take a walk." As I started to leave krista showed up at the door, the moment I saw her face my fist made contact.

"CAROLINE!!!" I was about to have at her again but Austin slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me away.

"What is she doing here?" I was still trying to get out of his grasp.

"She asked for another chance." My anger was boiling over my disappointment. 'YOU DID WHAT!!!' I screamed in his head. I was more mad at him then at krista which was finally getting up after a blow to the face.

He was standing there with a shocked face.

"Fine but if she steps out of line again she out and there are no third chances." I walked past him and out the back door.

Austins pov

I saw her retreat into the forest, when I noticed krista was standing too close.

"Hey Austin I haven't seen you in a while." She said very sudductivly while her long boney finger traced circles on my chest.

I just pushed her away but she wrapped her arms around my neck and brought my lips to hers. They felt foreign and weird.

I was about to push her off me when Caroline came up behind her tapped on krista's shoulder. As she turned around Caroline said.

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