Chapter 42

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"Ah I see you finally awake." She said as she placed the tray on the desk and stood with her hands on her hips.

"Yup and happy too, waking up to her face is something I could definitely get used to." He smiled at me and him.

"We'll then I'll leave you two alone but you guys better eat, BOTH of you." She said sternly and closed the door as we both laughed at her motherly attitude.

I got off of him getting the tray and setting it on his lap.

"Eat." I simply said and he looked at me with a questioning look.

"You haven't eaten in 3 days eat." He picked up one of the forks and passed it to me. I rolled my eyes and took it from his grasp. We ate in silence.

The tray had been put away on the desk and I sat in the rolly chair.

"Come on I need a shower and so do you mister." He removed the blanket and I looked away from his naked body.

Grabbing his hand, I was heading for the door when he pulled me back towards the book shelf. He pushed a button on his desk and it came apart from the wall like a door. He smiled at my shocked expression.

A stair case was behind it.

He pulled me up them and I found out that they led to his bedroom.

"Cool I didn't know that existed." I looked back at the closing book shelf in his room.

"Ya I put it in there for easy access to my room." I listened to his voice and let it sooth me. He took me to his bathroom and turned the water on. Taking off my clothes I examined what little was left of the burns. I felt his arms wrap around me and the sparks and warmth exploded all around me.

The shower we spent getting clean and reunited ;)

I laid on his bed with him no blankets, nothing on, and the window open. The whole day had gone by with just him and me alone holding each other, and some making out.

"Have you seen the doctor yet?" He asked and I was freaking out in my mind. I had forgotten to go to the doctor I was to preoccupied by Austin.

"No." I hid my face from him as I sat up on the side of the bed. I sighed getting up instantly getting a head ache. Running to the bathroom I threw up everything.

"This sucks." I spat and rinsed out my mouth, while he stood behind me. I looked up at the mirror to see a flash of a memory I thought I had forgotten. I stumbled back into Austin's arms. Shaking I stared shocked at the mirror.

The day I died had flashed bright in the mirror.

I stood up and away from Austin looking in the mirror again to see if it would come back but nothing appeared.

That's right I had died or nearly did anyways.

October 31 2008 Halloween night at 9:32 pm, I was 14 and trick or treating with my friends I of corse was dressed as an assassin and my gun and knives were real but my friends never knew that. Yes I was brought into the firm very young but I still had a teen life. But at the second last house we were going to get candy from I had recognized but I had no clue why. A man opened the door and I was that last one he met up with. He stared at him and I stared at him. I knew his face. I had killed his son a year ago. I hoped he wouldn't recognize me as I turned to leave. But I soon felt a sharp pain in my chest. I hd blacked out soon after as blood gushed from my back making a pool of blood around me. After I could see everything that was happening like I was above everyone else watching as they took me away into the ambulance.

Later I had woken up after spiralling through tunnel after tunnel finding my body. Many people stood around me and my chest was killing me.

Austin'a finger trailed against his mark bringing me out of the trans.

"What happened are you ok geez I tried talking to you, shaking you, tickling you, kissing you snapping in front of your face, if it wasn't for that mark I would have lost you." He smiled at me, and I stared at him blankly for a few more minutes. I put a weak smile on and walked out of the room. Is my mine closed off to Austin's or will he soon find out all my secrets?

Pushing that aside I wasn't really in the mood to sleep I needed a run, a human run.

I put on a pair of leggings and a long sweater/jacket with some sneakers.

"Where are you going?" I shrugged and ran out of the room Austin calling my name for me to come back. But as soon as I exited the house his voice was gone. I had no idea where I was going but I needed air and i needed to be far from everyone. Maybe it was the wedding that was getting to me, or the babies or even how fast my life has been moving.

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