Chapter 25!!!!!!

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We reached Austin's room to see it still perfect, I sat down on the bed when he spoke.

"So are we still on for the date tonight?" I stared at him in confusion. "Since last night this was all over whelming so I'm going to take you out tonight is that alright?" I stared at him and smiled as I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Ya it's fine pick me up at..." I looked at the clock on his wall, it read 1:53. "7?" He winked at me and I kissed him running out the door.

I ran to my house in human form so ready to take a shower and have this date with Austin. I struggled with the house key in my sweat pants pocket as I shook with joy. Finally opening the door, I took a well needed shower letting my hair dry naturally after. I still had my sexy black dress and my black heels out from last night. My hair curler was still on, so might as well use it. After I curled my hair in perfect curls, I reached for my black make up to make my eyes dreamy and smokey. It was finally time for the dress... Slipping it on, I put my bracelet on and my diamond necklace, taking one last glance in the mirror before the door bell rang. Putting on a heavy coat of nude lipstick I ran down the stairs. Ya I had a lot of practice in heels, so I was good at running in them. I used to do my assassinating in heals it just made the whole thing... Sexier . Opening the door I had my breath taken away by the sexy man staring back at me.

"Wow you look amazing!" I said to him as I took in his white T-shirt, his dark skinny jeans (that were a little lose not skin tight), and his black blazer. His hair was its usually messy but it just made him look so damn sexy.

"Same goes for you gorgeous." He walked in and kissed my cheek, he pulled away so I resisted myself from pulling him in for another kiss. He lent in for another kiss but I refused... Oh who am I kidding my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. I thought of this and laughed I just hope he wasn't reading my mind.

"I just gotta get my hand bag I'll be right back." I told him as I ran up the stairs to my room, grabbing my hand bag from the bed. I couldn't keep the smile coming to my face as I looked so lost looking around my empty tidy house. He was quietly whistling to him self until he saw me. He lent out a hand helping me down the last couple of steps and out the door. He led me to his car and helped me into the passenger seat.

"Do you mind me asking where we are going?" I asked him as he pulled out of the drive way.

"Would it be cliche if I told you its a surprise?" I nodded at him. "Well then it's a surprise!" I grunted. "Meanie." He just laughed as I watched a field of grass whizz by the window. Over a hill a gazebo showed up in the distance, soft music was playing as we stepped out of the car. I gasped, it was amazing, the table had white decorations on it and my favourite food. The whole gazebo was white and even my favourite song was playing, no one does it like you by shawn desman. It was perfect.

"Oh wow... Austin this is so beautiful!" He stood at the entrance as I walked in, I turned around to see him smiling.

"Not as beautiful as you." That answer is so cliche but I loved it. He pulled out a chair for me and as I sat down he pushed it in. He sat down in front of me as I admired the table. A slight warm breeze blew through the gazebo, the stars were shining bright, the moon was full, and it was perfect.

After we ate, he took my hand and led me to a blossom tree it was just in bloom. It was beautiful. We stayed beside each other, him holding my hand and my head on his shoulder, he soon pulled away. He got down on one knee and in the moon light he pulled out a small box from his jacket. He opened it and looked at me, in the moon light a single black diamond on a silver plain ring shone just like the moon. It was beautiful.

"Caroline sage Quinn, will you give me the privilege to call you my wife and make me so so happy and marry me?" I had tears welling up I my eyes, I was going to be mrs. Ambridge.

"YES YES, oh a thousand times yes." Tears were now flowing down my face at how happy I was. He got up and I grabbed his face pulling him in for as kiss. We pulled away as he slid the ring on my finger, it was the perfect fit. I love him so much.

"Austin I love you so much!" I said to him as I hugged him and he kissed my tears. I love when he does that.

"I love you to Caroline, more then any one could dream of." I thought about this, what if I am dreaming?... Well if this love only exists in dreams, I don't ever want to wake up.

A/N sorry it's short

Writers block but thanks for reading love you all


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