Chapter 40

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After I had bought the bike and a helmet with a leather jacket all black, I headed back home on my bike. But I found myself not going home but going to the beach that was about 15 miles away. What did I need there?

As I showed up on the beach the sun was still high in the sky and the weather was great but there was no one on the beach. As I saw something move in the corner of my eye I hid behind a nearby tree. I watched as a black wolf paced on the soft sands... Austin?

So that's why there isn't anybody at the beach. I watched him paced until the sun went down, I was sitting under the tree as he sat on the beach facing the water watching the sun go down. He shifted and was now glowing it was like a dream.

I slowly took off my shoes and walked over to him with them in hand. I placed them down on the ground and sat down beside him. He had his eyes closed.

I scooted towards him and stick my face in his neck. I trailed small kisses all the way to his jaw. He laid back on the sand, so I took this time to straddle his hips never taking my lips away from him. I ran my fingers against his toned 6 pack and up to his chest. As I trailed kisses down his chest and abs I heard a small groan from him when I accidentally rubbed his member.

I went back up to his face and hovered over him. My hair fell to the side of his head. I waited till he opened his eyes to look at me.

Once he opened his eyes he had sorrow in them.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to me.

"I thought I could take it but I'm just not strong enough to see you hurt." I smiled and let him speak as I watched his perfect lips moved I knew that if I kissed him they would move in sync with mine.

"No one is strong enough to see their loved one hurt that's why I told you to stay away. To let me have my shower by myself, I knew it would hurt you but you insisted on staying." He didn't look me in the eyes as I said this.

I made him look at me with my right hand while my left supported my weight beside his head.

"You don't have to be sorry, I should be the one who says sorry for every pain I've caused you." He sat up and I sat on my heals. I still straddled him and he wrapped his arms around me and I was expecting pain but none came.

I looked at some of my burns on my hands. They had almost disappeared.

"Austin um are you doing this?" But as I finished my sentence Austin fell back unconscious. I made sure he was still breathing and his heart was at a normal rate before taking my phone out and calling laural.

They came and got him and I rode off on my bike following their car, why would he do that. God I'm so stupid. I should have left him with his thoughts and gone back home.

We arrived at the house and a couple of the guys brought Austin in the house. I quickly followed with helmet in hand.

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