Chapter 23

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I brought my gun down as I noticed my brothers stupid smirk.

"Ashton?" I jumped up and hugged him the last time I saw him was when dad left. He had left with dad when mom and dad divorced for god knows what reasons as me and Austin love each other way to much to ever leave each other.

"Hey Caroline." He said returning the hug. "What are you doing here?" Austin tensed up behind me. "I'm just passing through, trying to find my mate." He shrugged, I grabbed Austins hand. "Ashton meet Austin my mate." He seemed shocked and shook Austins hand. "Wow you found your mate before I did that's amazing." He brought me in for another hug.

"Thanks how long are you gonna be here for?" I asked and he shrugged. "Maybe a couple days but then I gotta leave." I frowned and Austin was starting to push me towards the stairs again.

"Um Austin what are you doing?" Ashton led him self out of the house as we went up stairs.

"Something is different with him he's.... weird." I laughed. "He's always been that way no matter what you cant change him and besides he's not gonna be here for a long time so chill he's leaving in a couple of days relax you guys would probably get along well." He soon brought be to the bed and laid beside me.

"Ok I'll give him a chance but one wrong move he's gone." I looked puzzled that Austin didn't know he was in his territory.

"Um Austin wouldn't you know that he was in your territory?' He looked thoughtful. "My dad probably let him in or you did." He cocked his eyebrow.

"I didn't." He shrugged it off and cuddled beside me that's when I noticed how tired I was.

Waking up at 4 am and noticing Austin wasn't beside me made me frantic what happened to him? I got up and fallowed his scent out into the forest. I reached a clearing after a mile of running in wolf form, my wolf was screaming at me to go back as she didn't like what she and I were feeling being here.

I hid behind a bush as I saw wolves beating up another wolf...... that wolf was Ashton I recognized his fur and he shifted running away earlier today, I looked at the other wolfs attacking my brother until I spotted one of my own. Austin. I shifted attacking the wolfs to back off I didn't care if I hurt Austin right now I needed my brother. They all backed off as they circled around me and Ashton. One jumped on me but I was too fast and threw him to the ground. This continued till it was just me and Austin. Austin didn't realize who I was as he came plummeting towards me. He was three times the size of me but I have strong alpha blood and the mark makes me strong. Austin reached me and we fought gnashing at each other.

I stood on top of Austin as he struggled under neath me.

'Get off me rogue I am the alpha of white moon pack I demand you to get off and bow down to me!!!!" Austin yelled at me through our minds I replied.

'Hi I'm the Luna of the white moon pack hows it going?' Sarcasm dripping on every word. I could tell he was shocked even in wolf form. He looked around at his hurt wolfs and then at Ashton. I broke him out of his thoughts.

"How could you do that to me Austin?" I said once in human form. He turned to human form.

"That doesn't matter how the hell did you do that, you by your self just took out 7 wolves and then an alpha!" I shook my head.

"My dads an alpha and your mark makes me stronger...... but how could you hurt Ashton...." I turned around to see Ashton gone great.

I turned around to Austin anger clearly on my face.

"Caroline he was a rogue I read his mind he was planning a war...." I cut him off, "ya well what the hell do you think he's gonna do now you beat him up he's probably going to collect more rogues because of what you did what were you thinking? why would he make a war between his sister and her mate?" I asked these more to myself nothing made sense.

"Come on we have to get home...." I cut him off and yanked my arm away from him.

"No I have to go for a run!!" I took off "Caroline!!!!!" I knew he was going to follow me but I just needed to get away from Austin and find Ashton.

I ran for 4 miles till I finally found what I was looking for a trail of blood. I followed that for another 8 miles till I found the edge of the territory. I tried to see if I could see him but I failed at my mission. I turned around only to be faced with an angry Austin.

"Oooohhhh don't you be mad at me you are the one who beat my brother up your the one who fudged up this time OK its not my faulty that I ran for 12 or so miles to find my brother and not succeeding AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed at him I just could not take it any more. I stared at Austins eyes seeing my reflection noticing my eyes were black just like his. I brushed past him jumping in the air and changing form pouncing at the ground and took off running my anger tears falling down my face as I ran faster and faster through the trees my body fitting in between the small gaps.

I found the clearing where the battle had started and saw all the wolves standing waiting for their alpha. I stood in front of them as they gasped at me. Pushing into their heads.

'I am your Luna.' That's all I had to say and they bowed in front of me. 'You will fallow me back to the pack house.' Bowing again I took off running making sure they were following. We reach the house and they went inside when all the lights shut off I turned back to the forest standing with purpose waiting for Austin.

Austin never showed up that night I started to worry...... Hell I started to worry around 7 am an hour after the group and me got back. I sniffed the air to find his scent becoming stronger and as I became closer the the bushes surrounding the house his head popped out. Scaring the bageesus out of me I growled at him as he came out. Turning into human form I ran up to him and hugged him forgetting about what happened with Ashton.

"I was so worried about you what happened? Are you ok? You didn't come home last night I was waiting for you!!" He chuckled.

"I took my sweet time coming home I'd didn't think you would be worried because you seemed so mad at me." His face softened.

"Well I was but then you didn't home and ya you took you time god you know people worry about yo......" He pressed his lips to mine.

"Thank you." He said and I knew exactly what he meant.

We walked inside and quickly upstairs so no one would see us naked as our clothes got ripped to shreds when we reached our room. Austins eyes were golden as he stared at my butt all the way up the stairs. Pervert. Pushing me on to the bed he kissed my mark and looked into my eyes.

"You are so beautiful." He said as a knock on the door brought us out of our fantasy world and got dressed. Opening the door Chris Austins beta stood out side a smile grew upon his face as he smelt the arousal in the room.

"Yes???" I asked him, he stared at me. "Austins Father requests that he sees him." I nodded and closed the door dismissing him. "Austin your father wants to see you!" I said and laid on the bed as he came out of the closet shirtless, I got to admire his sculpted body, his hard chest and broad shoulders lured me to him as he frowned at my news.

"Ok but you better be ready when I get back because I'm taking you out tonight so you better go home get all dolled up and be back here by 8." He pointed to me and put his shirt on walking out to his dads office. Where was he taking me?

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