Chapter 16

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I knew he was on the back and I needed him to leave. It wasn't forever.. Well unless I got killed but I would be back. I stopped the jeep half way to my next target's house and got out. I walked to the back of the car and stared at him as he sat cross legged on the back of the jeep to my amazement he was clothed.

"I thought I told you to go home." He looked at me with a puppy dog eyes, which soon turned to lust as he stared at my tights jeans, my tight white tank top that showed too much, and as the dirt road blew up sand with the strong wind.

I laughed, "look I am a trained assassin you really think the puppy dog eyes will trick me? Palease." He got off the jeep and got really close, and walked really slowly closer to me. His eyes turned that shade of gold that he did when we first met, I had the same reaction as I did the first time. I practically melted in his hands just like butter melts in a pan on a hot stove.  

 He grabbed me before I could flat out fall on my ass, uh I hate him for making me do this.

"Fine you can stay but if you ever question me you are more of a gonner then the guy I killed a couple houses back." He laughed at my comment and I looked at him with a totally serious face. He stopped and coughed casually. That just made me laugh at him.

"Get in the car." We drove for a while until we hit the next target's house.

"Austin stay here and don't worry I'll be back." I walked in the house and there he was standing there gun in hand.

"Well I knew you were comeing but I didn't expect y....." I shot him. "I hate when they always talk, it just pisses me off." I walked out and got in the car. He just sat there with shock on his face.

"What?" He swallowed the lump in his throat. "Well my mate is a killer." I sighed. Oh god great now my mate is going to reject me because of this, that's just great I should have just kept it a secret. I should have never ever brought him to my house I should have just left without the note, I shouldn't have told him I'm an assassin my secrets are my secrets and none are getting out anymore because they just ruin everything in my life.

Austin pov 

I shouldn't have said that I hurt her she just let me stay and now she wants me to leave that's just great. I got out of the car and started walking home.

"Where do you think your going?" She looked at me I was surprised that she got out of the car.

"I'm going home since you are so mad and upset I can't stand to here your thoughts right now." She looked at me mad.

"You can't stand to hear my thoughts well maybe you should just listen what I say you are going to reject me for what I didn't want, well guess what a lot of people have abandoned me and now they are gone. I thought your were different, I thought you loved me, I thought you would deal with it and keep loving me. I thought I could count on some one to stay with me, but I guess I'm too different from everyone so I guess you can go back to krista or any other of your fucking sluty girlfriends you've had because obviously they are better then me!!" I was shocked her anger came out in those couple of sentences. I felt a piece of my heart break off and fall on the ground and get ran over a couple times as she drove off in furry.

Caroline's pov 

Wow 10 years of anger collected and spilled out in 2 minutes that felt really good, and it's his fault he didn't want me anymore and rejected me uh I hate him, I hate every one I can't count on any one any more not even mates. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw the mark it was glowing blue and started hurting great that's going to be hurting for the rest of my life.

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I screamed as Austin ran in front of the car I got out and walked over to him.

"Austin what the fuck do you think you are doing I could have killed you!" He looked at me with hate in his eyes and I returned it with an icy glare.

"I might as well die by your hands since you've killed so many people before!" I stared at him and I was about to rip his head off.

"You think I chose this life you really think so I've wanted to change my life since I was recruited into this hell hole of a life, don't you think I would change everything and you are not helping making me feel even worse about myself because I don't have a mate and your mark is killing me a....." He grabbed me and looked at the mark on my neck.

"Don't touch it you'll just make it worse and you you..... Never mind... And to think I would have changed it for you.." I got back in the jeep and drove back to my house I called my assassin agency and told someone else to do the rest because I was pregnant not really it was just an excuse. I needed to run and run far far away. I took a shower walked outside naked and changed into my wolf and ran. I left Austin in my dust at my house I ran till I was about to die from exhaustion. I laid down in the field I was in and let the sun run over my now human body.

I was there for about 20 minutes until some one blocked my sun I automatically turned into my wolf and got protective and was about to attack who was there. I looked up and there was Chris Austin's beta. I turned back into human.

"Hey Chris how's it going?" He stared at me with an evil look then someone behind me held my arms and feet together. "What the fuck!" As I fell to the ground and got picked up, and clothed into my clothes I was wearing. I got blind folded as I was laid down on a bed in god knows where. I smelt but I could smell much just wood?

My blind fold was removed to show Austin smiling. My anger boiled up inside me as he laughed at me.

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