Chapter 28

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The phone rang in the morning waking me up, I looked around noticing it was my cell. The ring tone made me realize it was my boss. Running over to it with the blanket still wrapped around me, I slid to the floor where my pants lay.

"Hello?" I heard a grunt, "I have an assignment for you." I sighed not wanting to do it.

"What is it?, or rather who is it?" He gave me the address and I sighed, I asked myself should I quit? That would make me and Austin happy. Yet I need the money for the wedding.

"Caroline you don't have to do this anymore we have enough money to do everything we need for the wedding." I knew it was true but I blocked him off, I'm going to do this one last mission.

"I'll call you later." I quickly looked at Austin seeing him thinking to himself.

I texted my boss...

'Text me who and where the assignment is I'm in'

I then let Austin back into the link, I brought the blanket back to the bed only to have my monthly visit, great just great. I scurried into the closet grabbing some red skinny jeans, a kizz band t-shirt, and underwear + bra and hopped still wrapped in blanket to the bathroom.

As I washed up I thought about how Austin would feel if I did the mission and what if I never came back to him, never saw him again? What if I...I. Died? I heard a growl from the other side of the door.

"Stop thinking those things and unlock the door I need to know your okay you made me nervous!" I giggled at him.

"What ya gonna do if I don't open the door?" I had a smirk on my face.

"I'll will break it down!" I laughed. "What you'll huff and you'll puff and you'll blow the door down just like the big bad wolf?" I heard him grunt as I said this with sarcasm drenching my words. I was shocked when the door flew open as wood pieces flew from where the door had been locked. I was pushed up against the wall as Austin stared at me. I had an innocent baby smile as I looked at him through my bangs.

"I told you so." He brought his lips to mine but right now I needed to go dress shopping.

"A..Austin I..I need leave." I tried to push him away but he bit down on his mark, that's when I collapsed in his arms. He laughed as he supported me against the wall.

Smiling I found my footing and lightly pushed him away.

"I like the way I make you feel." He winked at me as I passed him. I then got a glimpse of my hair, it was all curly but a total disaster. I stood on the other side of Austin as I combed through it. I was almost done when a knock came from the door. I was about to tell Austin to do it but I realized he was still in his birthday suit.

"Austin put some clothes on, no one can see you like that, although I'm sure they would enjoy that!" He lightly pushed me towards the door as he went in the closet.

"Hey Caroline ready to go?" Megan said as I opened the door to her waiting patiently. "Ya I just gotta get my shoes." I ran to the closet and looked around for my converse but moved a bunch of dresses out of the way and there were doc martins, I squealed. I've always wanted to own a pair of doc martins.

"Hey where's mr.gorgeous?" I smiled and yelled back, "in here!" I poked my head out and she wiggled her eyebrows at me, I just rolled my eyes as I laced them up.

"Austin I'm leaving!" He came out of the closet only wearing a pair of low dark blue jeans, just that moment the other girls came squealing in excitement into the room only to stop and stare at Austin. Even I'm melting over him like hot butter over hot Texas asphalt. The shocks that hit my face brought me back to reality, I smiled and he put the gentlest kiss he has ever gave me on my lips. I almost fell I'm just glad that my legs didn't fail me.

"I'll see you later then, bye girls." He went back into the closet as my girls crowded around me squealing.

"Ok ok let's go get me a dress!" We all went down the steps and I noticed Austin's mom was tagging along too. We all pulled in to a van that I hadn't really noticed was there before, I actually haven't been outside in along time. I took a big whiff of cool air and I felt so much better.

Finally arriving at the boutique a women about a foot shorter then me and more curvy with red straight hair and in a nice black out fit came around to us.

"Hello I'm Angy and who's my bride?" I put up my hand, she smiled at me and put out her hand. I shook it and told her my name.

"And who have you brought with you today?" I introduced all my friends and my mother in law.

"Ok let's get started!" We all fallowed her to where dresses hung and we looked around, at first I was amazed by the white carpet, walls, ceilings, everything was white! I found a couple in my price range and she put them in my dressing room.

"Caroline." Laurel took my hand and placed a huge wad of cash in it.

"This is for your dress you didn't think ill let my daughter in law pay for all her dress did you?" I smiled and hugged her just like I used to huge my mom.

"Thank you Laurel thank you so much." The short women came over again and wanted to start trying on dresses.

It only took me three dresses to find my dress, it was simple, A line, sweat heart neck line, but was low almost to the top of my butt at the back only having small straps to keep the dress in place. The bottom had a train about a metre in length, it looked as if the bottom was covered in snow and lightly disappeared as you went up the dress the rest of the dress was pure white soft none shinny material.

I was so happy that I finally found it I was done after the second dress. As we left the store I figured I'd run back, but yet again my friends never knew I was a werewolf. I ended up in the van as the girls talked about the flowers accessories and all that wedding stuff.

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