Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day to silence a deadly silence that only the loneliness inside me could describe. I walked down stairs to find nothing which hurt a lot. I looked in the fridge and found it was full of food so I guessed that mom was prepared to die. Why would she bring Annabel into this then?

So I finally started to walk to school. It was a long walk but I finally made it in the nik of time.

My first class' I didn't pay attention I was to hurt to listen so I sat there and thought.

It was lunch and I ran home and had lunch at home but my house and myself felt so empty.

I got back to school and finished my class'. When I got home there was another man waiting for me.

"Hello, I am officer Morgan. I heard that your Mom, Dad, and little sister died in a car accident yesterday, and I was wondering if you want to live with your Grandmother?" I thought about this for a while but, since I'm 18 I don't have to.

" No, I think I'm going to stay here I'll be fine thanks." After he left, I ate some soup that I made and did my biology home work. I went to bed at exactly 9:00, and had dreams of wolves crowding around me ready to lunge. I woke startled by my alarm clock. I got dressed and decided to close all my families doors to stop me from getting reminded that they are gone.

As usual I took and apple and started walking to school but, today I felt really bad so I walked back home, calling the school.

I laid down on the couch and turned on my favorite show toddlers in tiaras, but I felt worse so I decided to go take a walk in the woods. The fresh air always makes me feel better, but today it was worse, I must have the flu or something.

I found a nice clearing to lay down in the nice sunlight. An enormous amount of pain came shouting through my body, it came to a stop in seconds. I got up and I was on all fours I freaked out, looking in the little pond that was in the clearing I saw a bright white wolf ..... It was me?

I ran and frolicked in the clearing, I thought it was amazing. My senses were spinning, I could smell and hear better, my eyes were like binoculars...., I loved it.

One of the problems was how do I get back to human? I pictured myself in human form in my head and I was back,.....naked..., but back, I ran home and put on some clothes.

I was thinking for a while as I was watching tv and noticed that this awesome thing might be the thing that my Mom put on the USB. I took the USB off my neck and plugged it into the computer, that's when I noticed the time it was 8:45, "damn," I muttered to myself, so I turned off my laptop put the USB back around my neck and went to bed.


so guys what did you think please tell me cause i probably suck at writing but tell me anyways thanks.


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