Chapter 22

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Caroline's pov

He roughly pushed me on the bed playfully and started kissing my mark. A small moan escaped my mouth.

"Austin what if some one comes home?" I said trying to push him away but my mark made me so weak.

'Don't worry about it they won't disturb us hold on I'll be right back.' He always says things in my mind not even taking his lips off me.

I felt so alone when he left me to close the door and put a tie on the door handle?

"now they won't disturb us." He got back on top of me and continued.

"Wait....." I quietly screamed. "What?". Austin looked worried as I stared into his beautiful eyes, the ones I'll be staring into forever.

"I...... Don't want to do this yet." He looked confused, "I mean mate the last time...... I want to do it on our honey moon or after the wedding I want to be married first ya know?"

Austin nodded. "Are you ok with that?" He smiled.

"Yes I don't want to push you and I want the last time to be special as well so it's understandable." I smiled at how understanding Austin is I'm so lucky to have him. I laid on top of him, as he wrapped his arms around me I fell asleep. In his arms I felt so safe, like nothing could hurt us.

Austins pov

she was so beautiful when she slept, so peaceful. I checked the time, the fact that it was about 1 in the morning didn't matter. The only thing that really mattered was..... Is Caroline and always will be.

I broke out of my thoughts as Caroline moved her head on my chest.

"Hey." She said, her eyes still looking tired.

"Sorry did I wake you up?" She giggled "no." I loved her laugh so much..... I love her so much.

"Ya wanna know something?" She nodded "I love you so flipping much you know that? No words can describe our love none. And I can't believe I got you you are everything to me." A tear fell down the side of her face as she had her amazing smile. She kissed me so gently that plastered a smile on my face.

The loving moment was broken by the door opening, her face became serious and angry with a hint of worry.

"What are you doing here?" She got off me and approached him. I looked down to see the shining blade in his hand. I tried to approach them but got pushed back on the bed.

"Austin no."

Carolines pov

He was here how did he find me, this is my chance he is going to die. My step dad plunged the knife at me but I was to fast. The knife grazed my stomach ripping my shirt. I grabbed my butterfly knife from the strap around my leg and slit his throat. I've always hated when people talk and rant on and on. That's why I say just kill the sun over the beach already. I stood in front of him as he crumpled to the ground in his own puddle of blood.

I cleaned my knife with his shirt and stuck it back, I totally forgot Austin was in the room when he came up behind me. He touched my shoulder, so he was down on the floor in a sec. He laughed as I got up

"I'll be right back." I exclaimed as I picked up the body and threw it off his balcony. Then it was my turn, I always loved doing this. I jumped and landed on my knee and a foot crouched in a ball ya know how video games do it.

I carried the limp body to where we put the other ones and climbed up the side of the house back into his room.

"So that was an amazing set of events wasn't it?" I asked staring at a shocked Austin, finally that folder is done and I don't have to worry any more. He nodded.

"Do you always have a knife strapped to your leg?" He asked with a bizarre look on his face.

"Most of the time but I don't just have a knife." I got up and lifted up the leg of my short shorts.

"See I have a gun, hand cuffs, a taser you know normal stuff." He looked shocked.

"You call that normal stuff?!"

"Well ya I always say 'whatever you wear always dress to kill."

"Ok remind me never to get you angry."

"Too late." We laughed as my stomach growled.

"Your hungry come on." He grabbed my hand but I resisted.

"Wait has anybody come back yet?" raising his eyebrow he asked.

"Why?" I sighed. "Because I wanna know if I can make noise.. Duh!" I thought my step dad would go down a lot harder then what he did. I guess I've just gotten that good? Or that's not it.

Austin noticed my flustered face.

"What ya thinkin of love?" He said it in a British accent as I jumped and laughed at his words.

"Um just thinkin that my dad couldn't have gone down so easy, there has to be more." We walked down stairs.

"Love, you can't get your nickers in a twist over this I will protect you ok." He kissed me as I thought 'oh ya just like the other times you protected me, please I'm all on my own on this one like always'.

He looked me in the eye. 'look I know I was to shocked to move but next time I'll be there by your side.' He smiled and hugged me.

"Trust me." I turned around hearing some one clearing their throat. My hand instantly went to my gun.

'Austin who is it?' I asked him.

'it's.... I don't know but he sure looks mad love.' He even had a British accent in his head. 'Let go.' the person approached us when they stood right behind me I put my gun right to his forehead.

Then I noticed who it was, a smile grew upon his face.

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