Chapter 39

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I woke up still on the floor and Austin was still looking at me with a smile.

"How'd you sleep?" He slowly sat up and so did I.

"Good there weren't any red eyes guy there was sanity in my head it was great." I sat with my legs spread apart and my hands on my thighs.

"That's a good sign." I laughed a relieved laugh mixed with a sigh.

"So how long did I sleep for?" He looked at the clock on his right.

"Well you slept the whole day and its 6am." I slept a whole day jeez I must have been tired. I defiantly need a shower damn this is going to hurt like a bitch.

"Where are you going?" I looked back at Austin as I headed to the bathroom.

"To take a shower." He practically jumped up from the couch and followed me to the bathroom.

"You know I can take a shower by myself." He nodded as I turned on the shower letting it warm up. I carefully took off my shirt to show my whole body of bandages.

"Ha look at that I look like a mummy... And hey I'm gonna be a mommy that's weird." He smiled as I started to unravel the ones on my arms. I saw all the cuts and the burns and sighed, this is gonna be a painful shower.

"So how fast do you think these burns will heal does it think I did them or someone else. It's kind of confusing." He nodded. Why wasn't he talking? I grabbed his face and looked into his eyes moving his face from side to side to figure out what is wrong with this dude.

"Why arn't you talking?" He shrugged. I started to pick at one of my cuts to see if it would work and I knew he didn't like to see me in pain. As I winced more and more. He finally stepped in after looking pained and half constipated for a while. He grabbed my hand and pulled it away. I was starting to get mad. I pushed him against the door.

"Why arn't you talking." After he wouldn't talk I stuck my nail against one of the bigger scrapes and raised my eyebrows. He scrunched his eyebrows and I knew I had him where I wanted. But as I thought I realized his grub on my hand had become increasingly tighter he was struggling. I placed my hand on his face and started to get worried. I knew I would regret it but I pressed myself against him and kissed him cringing at the pain it brought me. I back away from him as he loosened his grip on my wrist.

"I was scared of what would come out, Caroline seeing you like this isn't easy for me I want to heal you so your back to health but... I.. Just.cant and its so frustrating its to frustrating."

"This is why I told you to stay away so you wouldn't have to see me like this." I sighed and looked down letting my hair fall in front of my face.

I knew that he wouldn't touch me but his hand hovered close to my chin and it felt like a force fuels that pushed by head up. He looked into my eyes and I could tell that this was hurting him.

"I think you should go." I whispered and his face became sad and shocked.

"If you can't handle my face being burnt my body is much worse I think it's for the better." He had his jaw slightly ajar and I could just see the bottom of his perfectly white teeth. He clenched his jaw and his muscles tensed they felt amazing under my hands and they defiantly weren't hidden by his shirt. I started pushing him backwards towards the door.

"Wait Caroline I promise I won't freak out..." I knew he couldn't do that.

"Austin you and me both know you can't promise me that." He stepped closer.

"Please trust me at least once." I sighed was I gonna regret this? Or was he gonna be able to take it.

I sighed turning around and went back to where my shirt was and took of my pants. I started taking the bandages I had on my legs off to show all the cuts, burns and everything. After I had taken all the bandages off my body I stared at Austin. He was leaning on the counter in front of me he. Looked.. So cool. Like he didn't have a care in the world and he had that look like a guy has when he sees a attractive girl. His eyes racked over my body and I tried to figure out what was going through his head.

I checked on the water to make sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. Looking at him one more time I pfft and jumped in the shower.

"Is that how you keep your cool?" I asked as the water soothed my body. Waiting there wasn't an answer for awhile I furrowed my eyebrows and looked outside the shower to where he was, but all there was were my bandages and clothes. I guess he couldn't take it.

Just as I thought that a loud howl came from outside that I swear it killed my soul. I knew it was Austin but he was howling in frustration, I told him he wouldn't be able to take it. Sighing I finished my shower and collected my bandages throwing them out and getting new ones. After I had tended to my wounds I got dressed, made coffee and sat on my front step with the mug in my hand waiting to see what would happen outside and what was happening these days.

When I remembered all the money I got from my assassin life. You

know what I have my motorcycle license I'm going to get one. I went back into my house and got a back pack loosening the straps all the way. I stuffed my clothes and bandages in the bag. Stepping outside with it on I turned to my bright shinny wolf making sure the bag wasn't to tight but wouldn't fall off. I started running to a dealership.

After 20 minutes I reached a Yamaha dealership. After getting presentable I entered the store and seeing the perfect bike it was black on black, low, and looked so mean.

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