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Carolines pov

I walked over the limp body of my ex boyfriend and continued to walk home.

Once I was inside I completely broke down I couldn't take it any more. With me saying good buy to every one I just couldn't take it and leaving Austin just made it 100 times worse. I wish I had never met him.

'You don't mean that.' Who the he'll was that?

'It's your wolf you love Austin an...' No you love Austin not me he hurts me how could you pick him. 'He was made for you that's how I picked him and now that he's marked you you can't reject him.' Watch me!

I got up and went right into the woods just to get my anger that was boiling over my sadness. I punched everything in site, when a hand stopped me from hitting it's face when I opened my eyes it was my dad.

I was so happy to see him I didn't know whee he went the last time. I just started crying while he pulled me into his embrace everything in my life was going to shit even Austin hated me.

"Dad I'm glad your here." I said through sobs.

We stayed there and I told him what happened.

When he held me in his arms I felt so safe I haven't felt that way in a while now but I loved it while it lasted because the next thing I know he was gone just vanished into thin air.I looked around for about 10 minuets noting that he was really gone.

I didn't feel any thing not grief or any sadness or any anger I realized all my emotions have just come to a halt with the rest of the world.

The world started to swirl around me my heart raced as I was pulled some where which was oblivious to me. When I was placed gently back on the ground I was i front of Austin's front door as he opened it.

"CAROLINE!!!!" he came by my side as I struggled to get up, everything was so confusing. He tried to pick me up but I just pushed him forcefully away as I tried to stay on my own two feet.

Refusing to listen to my objections Austin held me in his arms and just the way he was so warm the way he smelt the way he just made me feel like every thing was gone. He made me forgive him just by touching me, I lightly pushed him away and looked into his eyes to see what he actually felt.

But what I saw was to much to bear. The sorrow the sadness the happiness that I came back every single fiber of his being regretting what he did. My emotions unfroze as I cried into his chest.

Austins pov

She came back she finally came back, I wrapped my arms around her as she cried. I stroked her hair as she started to calm down she looked at me with such loving and longing it filled me with all the emotion I once thought I lost.

Her eyes red as we walked into the pack house my mom peeked out of the kitchen I could see the surprise on her face as she stared at Caroline.

"What happened!" As she grabbed Caroline's face and examined the tear stains and her puffy eyes.

"Laurel it's ok don't worry it's nothing that Austin did." She sounded so quiet but that wasn't the truth she was thinking a whole different story.

'it's all his fault he's the one that turned into an ass he's the one that left me to defend for myself he's the one wh...'

I couldn't take it any more her eyes started to water again as she thought all these things.

"It better not be Austin we raised him better." She looked at Caroline with a smile as Caroline tried to put one on but I could tell it hurt her inside not just because I can read her mind its the look she had on her face and bow she walked with her head hanging into the theater room.

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