chapter 21

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Austin's pov

She drove off as I felt empty when an image of her came in my mind, she sent me an image I didn't know we could do that. I ran home to find the house full of people as I ran up to my room to make sure the ring and everything was set.

Once I said hi to EVERYONE I was on my way to Caroline's. When I arrived it was already 6:30 so I was about to knock on the door when it opened and she stood there looking as beautiful as usual. "Heeeee would you like to come in?" she said while laughing.

Carolines pov

I was just about done my essay for school when I felt his energy. For the longest time I've always been able to feel peoples energy I thought it was cool at first but then surprises weren't surprises and the people I despised of I could always tell if they were there. Most of the time it gave me head aches having all these people push into my energy and putting that amount of force on me. It was tough but now that's schools almost over I don't have to deal with it any more.

I jumped off my chair and ran to the door before he could knock. He just stood there with the funniest expression on. "Would you like to come in?" He just nodded. When he came in he seemed confused.

"what's on your mind? You seem confused". He sat on the couch with me.

"How did you know I was at the door?" I knew this was going to come up "Hmmmm I saw...... You........ Out my window." I said way to fast to be believed.

"Caroline why do you lie to me when I know everything there is about you..." I cut him off.

"Tell me everything then and you should know the answer to your question!" I read his mind after I said that 'i hate her attitude she's so stubborn and that face she has ugh why her?' .

I got off the couch with a shocked and.... Well I don't know face the tears just rimming my eyes that moment all I saw was him leaving out the door. I needed to talk to someone. I sped off towards his house.

And on prom night how could he say that to me this night was supposed to me happy.

Austin's pov

I walked to the pack house as something zipped by me, I didn't think much of it. As I arrived home my dad stood angrily at me.

"Son how could you?" Was all he said to me.

"Dad she's whiny, she has the biggest attitude and..." Caroline came out of the kitchen.

"Ya most people leave me because of those reasons."

She had puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks as she crossed her arms over her chest and ran out to the porch until I couldn't see her anymore. My dad had left as I approached the door. About to open it I heard the worst sound a mate could here. Crying, Caroline was crying and it wasn't just crying it was full out crying. She calmed down and pulled herself together as she talked to herself.

"I thought Austin was going to be someone I could cry on not someone I would cry for. I hate when my anger becomes tears the last time I cried like this was...." She opened the door to find me on the ground right on the other side of the door.

Another tear fell down her face as she said.

"Please don't leave me." I've never seen her this sad ever.

Caroline's pov

The tears dropped down my face as bad as when my family died. Austin..... Even thinking his name hurts, he hurts me leaves me then comes back and says sorry. I don't get him at all. I found him on the other side of the door staring at me as another set of tears formed.

"Please don't leave me." It came out raspy and unsure but that's the way he made me feel... Unsure.

He took me into his grasp as I sobbed into his chest, all the tears had someones name on them. The barbies, the jocks, the freaks even the nerds made fun of me and every single tear had a name but they disappeared as they socked into Austin's shirt, but the last tear I shed had Austin's name on it as he kissed it away from my cheek.

He gently lifted my face to see him as he laid the gentlest kiss on my lips. We stared at each other till laurel broke the silence.

"Anybody want something to eat?" She walked out of the kitchen wearing oven mitts. I just put a smile on and Austin answered.

"We'll be there in a sec."

He turned around to look at me as my face stopped being puffy, my eyes red, and the tears were gone. I pulled him into the kitchen as the smell of lasagna filled the room.

After eating we thanked laurel and went to the back of the pack house. We laid down in the sun on the soft grass, when a soccer ball almost hit me full fledge in the head, but my fast reflexes stopped it just in time. I felt Austin tense up, I kicked the ball all the way to the other net and got a goal. I felt Austin get up behind me but I just pushed him down.

"Chill Austin it's fine I'm not hurt and don't worry about them ok." I forced him to look at me.

"Ok?" He nodded.

I pulled him to my house and got on my dress and went to the prom with Austin. it was just perfect, we danced so in love an the stares we were getting just didn't matter. We also laughed a lot as we did funny dance moves together. we soon finished off the dancing and got in my car. I looked flustered but I shock it off as we pulled out of the parking lot

"Where are we going?" He shock my head, "you'll see." He drove for half an hour till we hit the place, He got out of the car and took My hand. We were at sasperilla park.

I told Austin about how my family would always go here when I was young and how the birds here just come up to you and how the geese in the lake come up to you and eat the seeds out of your hand, this place was great.

As we walked around I noticed there where no people around which was strange since this place is amazing in the first place. Yet again it was 2 am. We arrived on the dock as we stared at the moon in the distance. He moved my hair away and kissed my mark. A surge of longing went through my body as tears came to my eyes, the realization came that he was mine, all mine I loved him so much.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he saw my tears.

"Nothing I'm just happy that I have you and there's no words to describe how I feel." He smiled at me as we walked back to the car and drove home.

We mated the third time that night it felt just like the first I loved Austin so much.

Austins pov

I woke up to a wonderful sleep to find the bed empty how the hell did she get out of my grasp with out me knowing?

I jumped off the bed and ran down stairs. The house was deserted, I ran to my room clothed then ran out to her house. I knocked on the door and got freaked when some one put there hands on my eyes.

"Guess who?" A female whispered in my eye. I could tell it was Caroline but I like to have fun.

"Hmmmm mother nature?" I heard a giggle, "nope." "Opera?" She giggled at every single answer I gave. I suddenly grabbed under her butt and lifted her onto my back.

"Where are we going?" As I took her to my house.

"Places." A 'pffft' came out of her as we entered the front door.

"Where is everyone?" I shrugged my shoulders while running

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