Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

She looked so helpless on tied up on my bed. "Chris that will be all thanks." He nodded and left us.

Caroline's pov

I remembered that I had my butterfly knife in the pocket of the jeans so I took it out. He walked into the other room and I took all the ropes that where holding me down off and I looked out the window as I sat on the bed I pretended that I still had the ropes on as he walked across the room towards me.

"Look Caroline I didn't want to do this but no other way you would listen to me." I furrowed my eye brows as I got madder and madder at him.

"It's just Caro........." I push him up against the wall and but my butter fly to his neck.

"I still won't listen to you and you still don't under stand I will never ever change for someone like you if you don't like me I don't give a shit now tell me where we are!"

He shock his head and I cut off more of his air. "We are in the same cabin as before remember krista?" As her name came up I winced at the images that came up in my mind .

"If you fallow me I will kill you because right now you don't mean shit to me." I let him go and walked out the door but not before grabbing my leather jacket.

I was walking though on the path when guess who was coming towards me? Yup dumb ass him self the guy that captured me in the first place... Chris. I had my knife in hand.

As I walked by him we stared right into each others hateful eyes and that's why I wish looks could kill.

He fallowed me. "Chris if you savour your life you'll back OFF!" He actually listened to me.

Chris's pov

Well I want to live so I'll leave but what will I tell Austin he counted on me.

"Hey Austin I wanted to live so I didn't fallow her." He looked at me with furry in his eyes great here comes the pain. He was about to kill me when.

"AUSTIN STOP!!!!" She came in-between me and him.

Austin stopped immediately as she stood in front of me, when female wolfs are really and I mean super mad their hair turns bright red and that's what Caroline's was like.

Austin was a little taken back as she started to speak.

Caroline's pov

"Austin you are such an ass if you don't get what you want you hurt people just like the first time we met!" His face softened just like it did before but it was gone as soon as it was there.

"Austin what happened to the guy that just wanted his mate the guy who loved his mate and didn't matter what she did that's the Austin I fell in love with, where is the Austin that was so nice to his pack members since I got here you've changed and I want...... No I need the old Austin back please." He looked at me and walked over to Chris his hand went up and went on chris' shoulder.

"Sorry man." They man hugged and then he looked back at me. I got scared for the first time in a while.

"Caroline I'm sorry I didn't notice that I was being such an ass will you forgive me?" I looked at him for a while and thought.

Austin's pov

She looked at me for a while until she got really close and went on her tippy toes to kiss me.

"Does that answer your question?" I nodded and she looked at the time. "Ok I have to go home and sleep I have to go to school tomorrow see ya later."

I bent down to kiss her but she left me stranded

Sorry that I haven't updated it in so long but I've had a lot to do so um tell me what you think I'll be waiting


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