Chapter 45

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I woke up early not entirely restless but not entirely had a good sleep eitehr, I think I was just way to excited for today and half worried about Austin, I hope he wasnt drinking the whole night. I'm sure he wasn't but Ill secretly call him to make sure. I started dialing his number but the phonen was ripped out of my hands by none other than early riser Morgan.

"No you are so not calling him youll just have to wait for tonight to see him on the MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF YOUR LIFE!!!" She screams at me waking up everyone else in the whole house.

"Ok ok we have a lot of stuff to do today so lets get ready shall we." I pulled her up the stairs starting to get really excited. what did we have to do first. Well I guess get dressed shall we. Afterwe had gotten dressed we headed to the car with my accesories to get make up and hair done, ugh yes im not  girly girl and this part im dreading, just a little.

Finally getting home our hair was done and so was our make up. I relaxed on the couch for  few seconds but soon got pulled up by Alicia. On the way up the stairs i saw so many people with decorations going into the ball room. Everyone was rushing in the room taking out dresses and laying them out. They hung my dress in front of the window. I satred at it for a long time until i heard a camera click. I turned around and laural had taken a photo.

"Sorry that was a great moment." We laughed and I noticed everyone was in their dresses and ready to put me in mine, here we go. I took off the clothes I was wearing and they slipped the dress slowly over my head and on to me. I rearranged it so it was comfortable and they started lacing me up. The dress was on and the accesories and shoes were on the way. A samll girl around 15 opened the door and we all stared as she came in shyly.

"Everythings ready." We smiled and nodded as she quickly left, and I stared at myself in the mirror. Its time to go I guess, I started pacing and becoming more nervous. The girls comforted me until it was time to go down the long stairs to the hallway. the whole way down a certain question kept popping into my head, who is gonna give me away? As we reached the bottom of the steps I stared down teh hallway and saw so many poeple sitting and all theses decorations along the grass. One thing that shocked me though, was my dad. He stood there smiling at me in a full suit waiting to give me away. I guess this day was really a dream come true.

"You look amazing." He said to me as I walked over to him.

"So do you, I didn't know you were going to be here." He smiled and the music started as the bridesmaids walked down the ail and my father put out his arm to me and I took it while I grabbed by bouquet and the music changed as w estarted walking slowly towards the door.

This was it, I was getting married. I sighed and walked into the gleaming sun. my eyes then adjusted and I saw him. The person I will be with, my alpha. He looked perfect in his suit an dthe smile on his face was breathtaking, Im pretty suer I saw a tear fall from his eye. I was trying not to cry as I looked straight at him, the ail seemed to diappear along wth all the rest of the pack. Soon though we were at the alter and I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek an dhe shook Austin's hand and went to go sit down. I stared back at Austin and he smiled and winked making me giggle. As the ceremony went on I never took my eyes off Austin an dhe never took his off me. The ceremony was long but peaceful and honestly I was glad that it was up t the best part.

"Austin you may kiss your bride." Those were the words I was waiting for. He kissed me with such sweatness it was like our first kiss all over again. After everyone clapped and yelled in happiness, as me and Austin laughed and walked back to the house. While eveyrone had coctail hour out on the lawn and the ball room was still getting set up.

We were inside in his office relaxing on the couch, not talking or anythin gjust enjoying each others company. The hour flew by so quickly as Laural came in and asked us to start walking to the ball room for the big entrance. She entered before me and my bridemaids all stood outside the doors with Austin's groomsman. They all smiled at us as music started and two by two they started walking in together.  The music changed to one of rock and roll and we walked in with swag of champions. Both laughing and everyone smiling.

The reception was great it was so beautiful Austin had done a geat job it was breathtaking when I first saw it. When I finally sat down I looked around me an dwas amazed.

"Austin thi splace is beautiful!" I Whispered through the crowds loud talking over their dinner.

"Thank you but its not as beautiful as you are." I knew my face turned red as we started eating

"Your the one that looks breathtaking in that suit." I winked at him and he smiled. The meal was amazing and so many people came up to us and congratulated us. It was the perfect day so far. The huge windows on two walls beside us and infront of us told me that it was starting to get late and the dance started. The DJ announced our first dance as long live the kids started playing and Austin took my hand. It was beeuatiful the lights became love and red as we moved to the middle of the huge floor. He was holding me so tight an dsoftly singing to me. As the song started to pick up he swung me around and we had so much fun, I couldn't have asked for a better first dance. After the song had finished he kissed me for the second time as his wife and his Luna.

The rest of the night I had dnaced with many of my freinds, my dad and the pack members. At the end of the night after the cake was cut and the food and dirnks were all eaten and drunk we said our good byes to all the guests and he picked me up and headed to the bedroom that I had once opened the door to, but never knew what it was for. He slightly kicked the door open and instead of the dusty room it was clean and low lighted with red rose peddle everywhere. There were chocolate covered strawberries and wine with two crystal glasses. It was beautiful.

"Austin have you ever seen somehing more beautiful in your life" I faced him and he was staring at me with such love and care It overwhelmed me.

"Yes." Is all he said as he placed me slowly on the soft bed. I giggled as he took off my shoes and placed them on the floor. He kissed my big toe and took off his shoes. He lay beside me and stared at me for a while as I stared at him nothing could make this more perfect. He slowly kissed me and I took off all the accesories from the wedding as he took off his jacket vest and tie. I stood in front of him as he came up to me quicker than I could se and hugged me around the waist as my arms lay on his squeesing his biseps lightly.

"You gonna take this dress off me?" I asked and he nodded as I giggled. He hugged me with his face inmy neck kissing me softly as he undid the ties on the back and it loosened. It was amazing to have that of and feel his warm hands on my back. This night it's not sex it's love between Luna and Alpha.

A/n: I didn't want to get into all the details I wasn't feeling it today.


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