Chapter 35

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It was cold and I couldn't fall asleep where the hell is my furnace... I mean Austin?

Getting out if the bed and changing into some actual pjs I opened the door and was faced by the bright light of the hallway.

Letting my pupils adjust I started walking, getting to the stairs in no time. Looking down them all I saw was darkness, really scary darkness I shivered at the thought of what could be down there, I wanted to run back to my room to the safeness of my bed but I needed Austin.

Maybe I wouldn't have to go down to the dark abyss, maybe Austin was in the spare room because he didn't want to wake me at 2 am. I crept over to the spare room and Placed a hand on the slightly ajar door. Opening it a small sqeaking noise was emanating from it.

"Shut up you stupid door." I whispered to myself as I opened it more. There was definitely someone in the bed but I couldn't see who it was. Ugh how was I going to see if it was him or not. As I crept over there I was hoping the floor would't squeak under my feet. Thankfully I made it over to the side of the bed where I realized the person was facing the other way.

"Great." I whispered as I attempted to scurry over to the other side before being noticed. Wait a second I used to do this for a living why am I so worried I'm trained for this.

When I got to the other side the snoring that had been there before had stopped, this made me panic and my heart stopped when two red eyes opened from under the blanket that the persons face was covered by.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I almost scream but the person jumped at me in attack position.

I was being shaken awake by Austin and my friends were around me.

"OH MY GOD THAT WAS JUST A DREAM!!!!" I yelled as I sat up covered in sweat. How was that a dream I remember getting up and was getting Austin how did it end up in that.

I scrunched up my face and remembered that before I had met Austin these dreams were a regular occurrence in my daily life, it all started when I killed my first man on april 12 my life changed that day and thats when the man with the red eyes kept popping into my dreams.

I grabbed Austin by the collar of his shirt and brought his face right to mine making sure I had his full attention and making sure he listened to me good.

"Austin don't you ever leave me alone at night ever again you understand me if you do the night you just witnessed will happen over and over again." He nodded kind of scared and sorry for leaving me alone. I just let go of him and laid back on the sweat soaked bed thinking about all that happened last night and when I fell asleep, also where I fell asleep?

"So from your point of you what happened last night?" I asked Austin, I wondered if I could get some info from them.

"Well it was what about 2am somewhere around there when I saw you roaming the hallways but you went right back into your room, a couple hours later you screamed bloody murder, I rushed in to see you thrashing around in the sheets still screaming. I was terrified I couldn't wake you up you had sweated through all your sheets and you had clawed your arms till they bled. Oh god Caroline please don't do that ever again you scared me so much." I looked down at my arms to see them all bandaged up but the blood was seeping through. He had tears in his eyes and I hated seeing people cry. I put my arms around him as the other girls left noticing we needed some time alone.

"Austin that wont happen again as long as your with me.. or I don't go to sleep." I said trying to lighten the mood but Austin just cried more into my chest as I put my fingers through his hair.

Austin had calmed down after a while of just being in my arms.

"Austin are you ok now 'cause I would really like to have a shower." I laughed trying to lighten this up and this time it worked he giggle as wiped away the last of his tears.

"Fine but I'm coming in with you." I smiled and got off the gross bed and almost immediately taking off all the gross stuff I was wearing and placing it in the laundry, which I seriously had to do.

Once the water was warm we both stepped in and just with the water I felt cleaner. It felt relaxing for the water to roll off my body and take my stress and all the horrible things that happened last night with it.

When we got out there were people taking off the sheets and cleaning the bed thats when I saw all the blood that was splattered on the sheets. My mouth hung open as I stared.

"Now just imagine how I felt when I saw you like that." I clasp a hand over my mouth and shook my head in disbelief at what that dream had made me do. This time it was my turn to cry.

I went back in the bathroom and took off the bandages to see the damage that I have caused thinking that it will only take a few hours to heal but Austin interrupted my thoughts.

"When a wolf injures their self it doesn't heal as quickly it heals as fast as humans heal." I finally took off all the bandages and saw the claw marks they weren't nail marks like a human nail would leave they were claws.

"You had your wolf nails out something I swear took over in your body your eyes even opened sometimes and they were red I've never seen that happen before." I was so confused was that person in my dream me? Was I in someone else's place? Was I hurting someone else. I shivered at the thought of it, could that happen?

"Now what I wanna know is what happened in your head when this was all happening?" I thought about it for a second, didn't he say it took a couple of hours for me to scream? Well how come in my head is was a very short time and I don't remem...

All of a sudden a flash of acknowledgement came to me, a vision of what had happened.

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