Chapter 3

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It was finally the weekend, I was so thrilled to find out what was on that USB, I almost fell down the stairs. I jumped the last 4 steps and got my laptop, jumping on the couch I almost dropped it. I plugged in the USB and looked at the file....

I opened it and it had a letter from my mom it read...

'Dear Caroline,

I'm guessing you are reading this because you have turned into a huge wolf. So I'm going to tell you about it. Our family have turned in to wolves for so long that I can't remember, me and your father were wolves as well. You will later have to find a pack to join but be careful they aren't always accepting. Now you will need to know something, you will find a mate. You'll know when you smell him, your wolf will scream "mate" inside of you, but once you look into each others eyes you wolfs will bond and become inseparable. And every time you touch sparks will illuminate your skin. Now I know I have left you but you will be fine, and happy birthday sweet heart I love you.

Love Mom.'

I was done reading and I totally forgot it was my birthday I was 19, I know I should be out of school but I started late. All the stuff that has been happening this week had had me distracted. I got dressed in some jeans and a sweater, and went for the clearing.

I finally got there and took off my clothes, changeing into wolf form, I laughed at the tingles it gave me. I laid down on a rock that was warm from the sun and dowsed off.

I woke up when I got a cool chill and noticed that it was about noon, and getting windy, I decided to go for a run.

I ran and ran until I hit a field and frolicked along in it, then I hit something big and hard. I noticed it was a huge black wolf.

He turned into a dude and he was hot, but I didn't let my self admit that I was attracted to him. I didn't look at him... Since he was naked, then he spoke...

"Turn in to your human form rogue." Rogue? What the hell is a rogue? But, I did as he said and covered myself up, since I wasn't fully sure of my body, he towered over me.

" What is your purpose being here?" I hesitated and I spoke. "Well.. Um you see I just turned in to a wolf, and I don't really know much so I'll just be going now." I turned around when he spoke again."You may join us, since you have no pack. I am alpha of the white moon pack, my name is Austin." He pointed to the big brown wolf beside him, "And this is Eric." I stuttered from the shock of not being the only wolf out here. "I I... m Caroline." His face softened as Mine hardened.No one spoke for awhile, but Austin broke the silence.

"Then go on your way, you are allowed in this field now, since you are part of the pack. I will see you later." They ran off. I dropped down into the soft grass relieved they were gone.

Austins pov

She was mine, and I loved it.

Carolines pov

I ran home in my wolf grabbing my clothes quickly as I ran by the clearing. I got home at around 6:00 to noticed I was starving. I ordered some pizza and watched tv. At 11:00 I hit the pillow and was out.

The last day of the weekend, and I am going to spend it outside like yesterday. Well.... with out the people. I ran in wolf form.

I was running when something hit me from behind, I was on the ground on my back with something heavy on top of me.

I was shaking but not of fear but from my muscles aching from trying to get this thing off. I shifted myself so I could see what it was. I saw the same wolf and noticed his eyes were bright electric blue. I sighed, he kind of laughed as I looked up at him, he spoke into my brain 'your funny.' I was so amazed that he could talk in my brain.

'Can you hear me?' I said in a shocked voice. His look softened, 'ya I can hear every word you say' he then turned in to a human.

" I advise you to do the same." He said out loud so I did as he commanded me to.

He was still on top of me as I shifted, his eyes turned black as he stared at me. I thought he had tuned into a demon. That made me terrified, sure i was an assassin but fuck man I'm still afraid of demons. I started to whimper and try to get out from under neath him, but it was ineffective as he held down my arms and legs. He was crushing me, I had spots in my vision from the minimal air. He noticed and lifted himself off a little as I took a deep breath. I noticed his grip loosened and I ran for it but I didn't get far, we were in the same spot as before.

"GET OFF ME!!" I cried but he didn't budge, so I gave up and just sat there no tears came out and I just had a blank stare.

"Now that you've learnt you can't escape...." I noticed that every where he was touching me I had sparks flying from my body leaping to his. A voice inside my head had started yelling mate. I didn't think I would find him so fast, I'm also glad it's a guy. I wasn't ready for this, so I struggled again and this time I turned him over and we were rolling everywhere. A stick plundged its way into my side.

As I cried out in pain he quickly got off me, and his hands grazed over the air above my body before picking me up bridal style and brought me to the clearing. He put me down so gently. As he did my wound stretched and mad me wince from the pain.

"I am so sorry." He said as he said this I saw the sorrow in his eyes.

"It's fine I always get hurt." His face hardened and his eye went black again, getting up I sat on the rock and whined when I sat down. My small little noise made him come back to reality, and he was over by me in a second.

"Wow you move fast." I laughed which made it bleed more. I looked at my wound, it was deep so I hopped off the rock to the pond and washed it out. The water was now red as I stared at my reflection.

Austins Pov

I can't believe I hurt her. I don't even remember her name, that was such a horrible thing I did to her, I have to do something.

"Hey are you ok?" She winced as the cool water washed out her wound.

"Ya I'm fine." Her facial expression told me differently. I slowly walked over to her, she finally noticed that she was naked.

"Oh crap!" She said more to herself then me, she tried to cover herself up, but her amazing features still came out. She looked at my face, still seeing that she was hurt by the blood covering her hands. "Come on, we have to get you fixed up."

Thanks guys for still reading, I have exactly 1700 people reading my book. Ya go you guys :D


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