Chapter 41

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They laid him down on the couch and I quickly put down my helmet and covered him with a soft blanket. It took me only 3 seconds to do that I don't understand how but I did.

I kneeled beside the couch and moved his hair out of his face. Everyone had left the room except for me and laural.

"Sweet heart what happened?" I looked up at her with a look that was mixed with shock, fear and , what the hell. I stuttered before saying.

"I found him at the beach and he was talking normally to me but when he hugged me he passed out and my burns started to decrease." Her face showed acknowledgment as I showed her my burns.

"He transferred his energy to you, he is just very tired and needs to rest, I'm sure he will be fine in a couple of days."

"How can you be sure that he will be okay?" I asked as I smoothed his cheek with my hand.

"Greg had done this to me once and trust me I was just as scared as you are right now Caroline. He will wake up and see your face and you'll feel a love that has never existed between two people." She talked about it like it was a dream come true. She sighed and nodded. She left me with Austin in the small office. I wonder who's office this is?

Looking back at Austin once more, I stood up and walked towards to big wood desk with the red velvet rolls chair.

Opening on of the drawers I saw a ton of papers all addressed to Austin. I guess this is his office.

I walked over to the door closing it and locking it before sitting in the chair and opening all the drawers.

Papers after papers were stoked up in them, I even found a kindergarten drawing made my him, it was so cute.

I walked over to the huge book shelf tempted to learn more about him and his family. My eyes scanned the shelves finally they laid on old photo albums.

I took them all and sat in the soft chair that was conveniently placed right beside me. I sat with all of them on my lap opening the first one seeing Austin as a baby. He had dark brown curly hair almost like an Afro. I giggled and turned the page.

Pictures of laural and Greg appeared, they looked just as happy as they do now. I thought about how it would be like that with me and Austin.

Turning more pages I looked at a picture of Austin in grade 2 with a bunch of friends, it looked like a birthday party. The one thing that was weird was that Austin was kissing the check of the guy beside him. While the little boy blushed? Who was he?

I mesmerized his face and looked farther in the book. As I finished the books I had seen all of his vacations, girlfriends, break ups, friends, and some little secrets and embarrassments, but all that was going through my head is who that little boy was.

My eyes started to droop as I placed the books back in to shelf and took one last look at Austin before dosing off in the chair.

I abruptly woke up and was startled by nothing. The door was still locked the books still on the shelf and Austin's still in the same position.

I sighed and got up kneeling down beside him.

"Come on baby wake up." I wanted to transfer some of my new energy from the sleep but I didn't know how. I felt helpless.

Now I know how he felt and I understand why he would do this.

I spent the next two days in that room only going to the bathroom and laural had brought me food.

I fell asleep the third night on the floor holding his cold hand. I missed his eyes, his warmth, his warm embrace. I ccouldn't stand it, I was going crazy.

I woke up to the feel of a thumb smoothing my right cheek. I opened my eyes huge when I realized who was touching me. The sparks were lighting up my face. I looked into his warm gaze and felt the love that laural had said.

I hugged him with all my might like he was going to disappear. My head laid on his chest as he rolled back onto the couch. I heard a giggle and his arms wrapped around me. I felt safe and warm just like your favourite fuzzy blanket was wrapped around you.

"Don't EVER do that again." I muffled in his chest, and another chest rumbling laugh came from him.

I hadn't noticed I had been crying only till I saw tears run down his chest. I wiped them away and hugged him tighter if that was possible.

"Don't cry, I'm fine a full bill of health and ill never leave you." He kissed my forehead and brought his arms farther around me.

"You better not leave me." I looked up at him and started to get off him when he pulled me back down. My face was at his as I saw his eyes they had so much love and passion it melted me to the core.

"Thank you." I said to him as my hair fell around his face. He shook his head.

"I should be thanking you." I couldn't take it any more, I crashed my lips to his and they moved in sync with mine. His hands moved to my waist and neck as mine moved to his hair.

Our make out session was interrupted by laural as she walked in with a plate of food.

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