Chapter 34

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There is 4 months till the wedding, the dresses are picked and being altered, the colour is red. The guys got suits, and the venue and the menu and the reception is all done. Now only if I could finally figure out the flowers.

"What about these?" Megan pointed to bright red tulips. I looked at them and I got reminded of a book I read.

"Ya and then some roses with them what do you think Caroline?" I smiled and nodded at Alicia's point.

"Yes six of each in every boocay and three of each short in a small square glass vase on the tables." They nodded at my choices and I set up the payments and everything.

Getting home was a relief I was so drained of energy from this stuff, you could say I'm not really a wedding person. I'm just glad Austin's doing some of this stuff as well.

I still need a viel, jewelry, something new, something red, and something borrowed, I need shoes, ugh great more shopping when was the last time I had a drink you know?

I was about to get something from the little bar in the kitchen when I remembered my little bundle of joy growing inside me. I stuck the bottle back grabbed a glass of orange juice and proceeded to the theatre for a good movie and some well buttered popcorn.

"Hey." I spilled some popcorn on my lap at the sudden voice from the door. How long has it been?

"Hey, sup?" I popped the "p" as Chris sat down on the other side of the couch. He was starting to scare me by being so quiet.

"You know how happy you make Austin? I've never seen him this happy... Ever. I kind of want to get to know you before you marry my best friend. I haven't really talked to you much and that little threat was pretty cute." He referred to my threat to my friends hearts and their faces.

"Well ... Ask as many questions as you must and I'll answer them." I smiled at him as he sighed and thought about the millions of questions before he started with...

"Who were you before you met Austin?" What was I going to tell him? I couldn't actually tell him my dark secret could I... Why do I miss it all of a sudden?

"Well... Um... I uh was going to school like a normal student would. Uh I didn't have many friends I was usually all into my studies. My dad left me and my mom and my baby sister about 2 years ago." He nodded.

"That didn't really answer my question. Who were you?" I smiled and sighed.

"I... Chris was an..... Assassin for a firm a couple miles away." He had a shocked face as I told him this.

"Wow that is so cool can you show me some stuff?" I laughed.

"Sure come out side with me and I'll beat you up!" We both laughed getting up from the couch, turning off the tv and walked out the side door.

Once we were out into the beautiful day I turned to him. Like a cliche movie I said...

"Run at me." And so he did, but before he got to me I started running towards him and when were close enough I slide on the ground taking out his legs and flipping him over. I then brought myself up, walked to him and sat on his butt.

His face was firmly planted in the ground and I started to laugh as he took his face out looking towards me.

"That was so fun." He said taking the dirt off his face, I stood up and lent out a hand to him.

"And it sure was funny!" We both laughed.

"Ok next thing." I handed him a water pistol that was laying across the yard.

"I'm gonna kick this out of your hand and into mine in one simple movement." This went on for a couple more hours as I taught him things and got to injure him and make him face plant the ground a lot.

It was a fun filled afternoon.

We both walked in laughing and Chris got some pretty weird looks since he had a small cut on his cheek and was covered in dirt.

"Come on let's get you cleaned up so that cut can heal." He fallowed me upstairs and into the general bathroom.

Taking out the first aid kit he sat on the counter and took off his dirty shirt throwing it in a laundry bin. Taking out a face cloth from the closet and dampening it. Slowly bringing it to his face I brought my other hand on his chest to steady my self. Slowly bringing the cloth over the cut I felt him wince.

"Oh suck it up baby one time I had to stitch up my own thigh, I think you can take this." His cringed at my words.

"Didn't that hurt. I don't think I would be able to do that." I smiled.

"It hurt like a bitch... But it was either that or die, what would you choose?" He shrugged.

I was done taking all the dirt out and was putting disinfectant on a cotton ball and lightly brushed it and dabbed. I cleaned up the little mess I made and put the first aid kit away.

"It should start healing." He stared at me and he put out his hand like. Lady would to be helped off the counter.

Like the inner gentleman I am I smiled and helped him off. I bowed and he curtsied. We walked out laughing.

"Hey you know what time it is?" He looked around to see if there was a clock but ended up taking his phone out of his pocket.

"Ya it's 5:34 why?" I sighed. "I'm just tired that's all." I weakly smiled and he nodded turning us around.

"Where are we going?"

"I am putting you to bed you have done way to much today and you need rest." I put my head on his shoulder and walked. He opened my door and ushered me in.

"Thanks Chris I had fun today." He nodded, "so did I now nap." I smiled and he closed the door and I curled up in the soft blankets soon falling asleep.

I woke at the sound of shuffling in the closet the room was completely black, it wouldn't be Austin, he wouldn't risk waking me. I slowly got out of bed and reached for the lights. Once I turned them on the rustling stopped.

Megan's head popped out.

"Hey Megan what the hell are you doing in my closet in the dark?" She smiled and laughed embarrassed by being caught.

"I need something nice to wear I'm going on a date!" She winked at me and I went over to her.

"You could have just asked me." I stood leaning up against the door frame.

"You looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you." I laughed. "And scaring me half to death is better?" She shrugged and pulled out a black cocktail dress with a bright pink ribbon in the middle.

"What about this?" I nodded and noticed how her hair was all wavy and sleek while her make up was smokey and alluring.

"And these shoes?" Nodding she held up my high 5" black open toes heals.

I got her ready and sent her on her way.

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