Chapter 33

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I ran through the forest not knowing where I was going but I had a strategy. The same strategy I used on Austin the day I went back to my empty house... Ill cover up my scent.

I had counted up to 20 and had already started to climb a very tall tree in human form. As I did the wind was shaking me while blowing my scent along the forest floor. I breathed in a sigh of relief as I reached the top of the tree. I soon held my breath as they ran passed at full speed I could tell they were enjoying this little chase. After about 40 seconds I climbed down and ran to the right as fast as I could.

Hearing a low growl behind me I turned my head to the noise seeing Eric chasing me. I mentally laughed and ran faster letting my wolf some what take over.

As I ran farther into the darkness I felt the presence of Chris and Aaron and Josh. This is going to get harder.

Aaron was the faster one of them and he was nipping at my heals, that's when my wolf took control and bolted concentrating on only running.

I felt alive being chased and they were all having fun as they ran after me, I think this is going to be a regular thing. I ran farther into the trees that seemed to be splitting apart to give us more space to run. They were howling in joy as they gained on me but I took a quick turn to the right and watched them trip all over each other as they tried to turn.

'Hahahahahaha!!" I was laughing at them as they got up but then I noticed Aaron wasn't in the bundle. I ran to the right, right into a meadow the moon glistened on the grass blades and the little drops of dew that hung off them.

I wasn't paying attention until I realized Aaron was coming full fledge straight at me. I yipped at the surprise of him right there it's a scary thing seeing a huge wolf come running at you even if your one to.

I ran straight at him like someone would do in a game of chicken, his eyes turned to fear while mine turned into slits as I was ready to jump.

I ran full force at him and he stopped as I flipped over him. I landed on my feet and let out a howl that in my mind was a "HELL YEAH!!!" And I kept running back into the forest only lit up very faintly by the shinning moon, that had now turned normal and full?? How's that possible?

Another growl came from behind me, I need to concentrate and stop getting off topic.

I must have ran straight for atleast 2 hours as I reach my grandmothers house. The one that I came from a couple days ago. I turned around in a field near the house but far enough away, I was gonna call it a 'we'll finish this later thing but they were gone there was no one behind me. I howled but there was no answer, I was about to howl again when weight was put on me.

I turned around on the ground and saw Aaron's eyes looking at me joyfully. I let out a sort of laugh slash snort and we ended up human and laughing our butts off. Soon after the others came from the woods as Aaron helped me to my feet.

"Well boys this was very fun thank you for doing this." I smiled and they were kind of still laughing.

"We should defiantly do this more often." Aaron said happily.

"Ya and its better with out Austin here he would be very protective of you right now, and its just better to be a friend group." I smiled I wasn't really thinking of Austin, and I know Eric means this in a respectful way.

"So I guess we should be heading home then." Josh said disappointingly.

"Do you guys have any big plans for tomorrow?" I asked them but they all shock their heads no.

"Ok then why don't we just chill out for a while and just talk or something?" I laid down on the soft dying grass and looked up at the moon. They laid beside me and we must have laid there for the whole night... Well we actually did because I woke up to find them all snoring beside me. I snickered at Eric as he snorted and started talking in his sleep. Getting up I headed for the woods. I seriously needed a shower. I walked in human form for maybe half an hour till I felt four huge gusts of wind go by me. The boys were headed home.

Another half an hour of walking the sky was turning an ugly shade of grey. Then the first drop fell from the sky hitting my nose it made me laugh. The sky finally opened up and it poured.

I have always loved the rain, I started dancing and frolicking in the rain until I hit a patch of mud and fell right on my back laughing. I got up only to fall on my face.

I successfully managed to walk home not covered in mud anymore as the rain washed it away. I guess I really didn't need a shower any more.

I threw a rock at my bedroom window in hopes to see Austin.

After 4 rocks I gave up and went to the front door walking in to find Aaron, Josh, Eric, and Chris all ready clean and dressed. They all stopped and looked at me as Austin came out of the Kitchen.

"What are y..." He said but his beta Chris moved his head to look at me, he stopped immediately and stared at me.

"What ya guys looking at?" I was kind of worried.

"Y...y..your glowing." Aaron said to me and I didn't under stand until I looked at the back window right down the hall way. My skin was glistening with rain droplets my hair was curly and looked like it came from heaven. My eyes shone for some strange reason and it was true I was glowing.

What the hell is happening?

"Well let me tell ya I feel great." I walked up the stairs and into our room grabbing a short cute loose fitting black dress and walked back down stairs to see my friends sitting their beside the three men that took them away last night.

"How are you guys feeling?" They looked confusingly at me.

I was soon pulled away to the hallway by one of the guys.

"They haven't changed yet they have no idea that they have been changed." I nodded.

"We're you one of the guys that changed one?"

"Ya I changed Megan shes now my mate, I had lost my mate when I was 12 and the moon you saw last night is another chance for us to have a mate." I raised my eyes brows.

"Well you better take care of her break her heart and I'll break your face." He smiled and nodded. I told him to tell the others this at some point and he went back to the group.

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