Chapter 37

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I wiped away my tears as I left the store back to my motor cycle with that bag of stuff I needed.

I was thinking about where I was going to do all this magic and checked the time. 2:18 great I can do it at my house and Austin won't ever know.

Reaching my house I took out the key and took off my helmet grabbing the bag and book running swiftly into the house.

I cleared my living room floor and moved the table out of the way. Opening the book I laid it on the floor and opened the bag taking out all the supplies laying them out neatly on the floor.

I started reading the steps as I filled the tub with water and placed the herbs and crystals into it. I got undressed and cleansed myself from everything.

After I put on a white fluffy robe and went back to the living room. I took out the old stone bowl and placed it I front of me mixing all the ingredients and lit all the candles I needed. The book read that it needed blood for the mixture. Taking off the bandage on my right arm I reopened a cut dribbling blood into the mixture.

Then the words...

I repeated the simple words and phrases until the mixture exploded with color out of the stone bowl smashing it to pieces. They swirled around me as I kept summoning the red eyed monster inside me to be released from my soul. The swirling soon turned red and he sat right in front of me. It took everything in me not to be scared of him. As I changed the last five words he disintegrated into a fiery tornado as it burnt my skin and ripped my robe to shreds around me then it when through me burning my soul in one quick swish and blew me back tumbling head over heals until I hit the wall. He kneeled in front of me and brought me head up in his hands and said...

"You did good." I had no idea what that meant but just after he spun up in the air taking all the swirling energy around us and vanished leaving me shaky and cold taking small gasps of air.

I steadied myself trying to get up but failing, that really took a lot out of me. I just sat on the ground trying to steady by breath and gain some energy back so I could take care of the mess this made.

That's when the worst happened, Chris walked through the door looking at me in my tattered robe and my burnt skin with my house a mess with blood from my dripping arm.

"Holy crap are you ok?!" He came over to me still trying to take in what I looked like.

"Ya just really tired." He helped me up into the bathroom which was very painful from all my burns.

"Don't call Austin don't even tell him about this please." He nodded and started taking my robe off... Well what ever was left of it. He helped me patch my burns and bandage my cut again before placing me in my bed to relax.

"I'm gonna be downstairs cleaning up if you need me k?" I was about to protest about him cleaning up but I passed out before I could say anything.

The sun beamed through my window right at my face as I opened my eyes. Looking at my clock I saw it was 11 am... THE NEXT DAY!!! Austin is going to kill me. I got up a little faster then I should have as I winced in pain standing beside my bed. I slowly reached for my phone and then thought other wise and picked up the burn cream covering all my burns with it. The cream made me feel like I was covered in ice I finally started to feel better so I slowly picked up my phone and called Austin.

It rang once before he picked up... Urgent much.


"Hey Austin how's it going?"

"Caroline where are you? You said you'd be back by four and you haven't called!" I rolled my eyes.

"Austin I can't tell you were I am right now but I can't see you for at least two days..."

"WHAT?!?! Two days why where are you? Is someone with you?..." I sighed.

"Austin relax I'm fine every things fine I just have to see something it's like an experiment ok." I heard a sigh and a growl from the other side.

"I don't like this." That was obvious. "Just trust me Ill see you in two days ok?" I heard a louder growl.

"I'll find you you know that I won't stop looking." I slumped down a little bit with out hurting myself.

"Please don't it will just be easier on me if you don't please!" I was gonna start crying if he didn't listen to me. I heard Chris in the background say...

"Is that Caroline?, why are you looking for her shes at her house." Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. I covered up my sent as I hid in my attic taking clothing with me so I could change. I also grabbed a lot of bandage so I could cover myself up.

I wrapped it quickly around my legs, and torso before sticking my under garments on and jeans and a long sleeve turtle neck then some socks. I just finished getting dressed when I heard someone sneaking around my house. They came into my room and I looked through a crack to see Austin I was about to pfft but I would be found out. The attic door was camouflaged by posters and stuff like that. I was brought out of my thoughts by Austin crying. I looked through the crack and found him sitting on my bed with my pillow in his arms and his face in it. I felt so bad I was being pulled to him and I tried resisting but my heart hurt to much to stay away from him. He took his face out of the pillow and I saw his shinny cheeks full of tears and his sorrow filled eyes. He covered his face again and I silently got down from the attic making my way over to him. But when he looked up I hid behind the bed. Why must I hurt him like this.

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