Chapter 10

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He touched it and I winced in pain as it wasn't totally healed. I ran to my laptop and plugged in my USB that I still had around my neck and clicked on the file named 'the mark' it said...

Dear Caroline

Now hopefully you won't have to know about this for awhile but when you guys start mating you will get marked that means that you will be his forever. You will have a pattern that might be anything but you have to mate 4 times before the mating is complete. And you will feel even closer to him.

Now be safe love you.'

I looked back at the the mirror that was in the living room. I have to do this 4 times who came up with that? Now I'm just scared. I closed my laptop and felt a breeze and... I was still naked, great. I went into the bathroom and took a needed shower. When I got out I put on some baggy clothes and went out side.

I was running for awhile until I felt very unsafe and felt like there was someone behind me so I ran faster. I quickly turned a corner turned into human and put my clothes on all while I was running. I quickly turned around and ran backwards. There was a huge and I mean bigger then Austin bright white wolf that looked exactly like me running after me.

I fell flat on my back and knocked the wind out of myself. When I opened my eyes there he was standing there.

He stared at me for awhile and then took off like a bat out of hell. Ok that was weird I ran home and got caught trying to go up stairs by Austin.

"You look worried and your mind is going biserk what happened?" He lifted me up and brought me back down stairs. At the moment he let go I belind for the stairs.

I was faster then him this time and for some reason I didn't want to be with him right now. I turned around and he had a hurt expression on his face.

"Look Austin I just need some time alone ok it's not like I don't love you b..." Wait did I just say I love him well I do oh wow now I want to be very very close to him.

And in a second he engulfed me.

"I love you too." He whispered in my ear then the image of the white wolf came to mind. So I got out of his grasp and went up stairs in my secret room to think.

I didn't notice that I was up there so long as I heard my alarm clock go off on my watch when my favorite show comes on. I got out at 7:00 and watched tv.

I was there for awhile until I noticed that Austin wasn't in the house. I changed into a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a black cashmere sweater, and ran to his house I heard really loud music. Well theres a party going on... I guess I'll just walk in.

I got in and was greeted by so many smiling faces. When I recognized Austin's mom I ran over to her.

"Hey Laural have you seen Austin?" She looked surpized I was here.

"Oh yes dear he's up in his Room." She gave me a smile and I nodded in appreciation.

I quickly went up there and opened his door. What I saw shocked me, he was making out with the girl who slapped me. He looked at me with a mad face and with his eyes closed.

"Do you mind we are in the middle of something!" He practically yelled.

I walked over to him as he was saying that and slapped him once he was done. I was automatically on the ground with him in wolf form on top of me. I cried out in pain as the weight of his body came down on top of me.

I looked into his eyes and his facial expression went soft as I blacked out. The last thing I saw that night was his face turn to human.

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