Chapter 7

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I rolled over quickly he knocked the wind out of me so I was trying to breath. I looked at his face and he looked worried.

"Austin why do you seem worried?" "Because you seem to not be able to breath." I laughed at his silly remark.

"You just knocked the wind out of me that's all."

He was sitting beside me now and he couldn't for the life of him find my name, I giggled at him.

"My name is Caroline Quinn." He smiled as I finished it. I was puzzled why was he smiling, obviously he likes my name.

He got off the ground and extended his hand out to me, so I took it. He yanked me up into his arms somehow, wow this dude was strong I seemed like a feather floating away in his arms.

He started walking towards his house.

"No no no no I can't go to your house go back to mine for a couple minutes and let me do something I really need to!" He looked at me and stopped, his sexiness just engulfed me in that one second I stared at him. He dropped me very lightly on the ground and sat down beside me.

I got up and ran to my house and got a cute little summer dress on put my hair up in a messy librarian clip and got some white flats on and some bright red lipstick on.

I ran back to him and he was still there waiting for me. I smiled as he saw me and I could so tell he was getting horny by the look on his face. I smiled at the ground as I walked over to him once I reached him everything was silent as he lifted up my head and looked right into my eyes. He had such beautiful eyes that struck you like lightening.

I went behind him and all you could hear was the grass under my feet in the field. I took his hand and started leading him towards his house. He was like a little kid following me holding my hand the whole way.

I saw his house and I realized it was huge and I mean huge. People started to stare at us so I cuddled up to Austin.

"Don't worry they won't hurt you." He whispered in my ear, I thought 'damn right they won't hurt me I'll hurt them first'. He laughed and I knew exactly what he was laughing about.

That's when the unexpected happened. Someone came hurling towards trying to catch a football. Austin got protective but I just pushed him out of the way and ran. I caught the football and glided past the people that were trying to stop me and got a touch down. The whole way back to Austin I got multiple high fives.

"Where did you learn how to play football like that?" As he put his hand back in mine.

"Well let's just say theres a lot you don't know about me." Truthfully I had played with the guys at my firm to gain agility.

We got into the house and I kept my face to the ground and stayed right behind Austin. He led me to a stage but I stopped and mouthed 'no' he mouthed 'yes' he came down from the stage as all the other people came in to this huge room and sat down in front of the stage. Austin came down and picked me up bridal style even to my objections. He put me down once he was in the middle of the stage.

All the people were seated and quiet. I looked at Austin with an 'I can't believe you have me up here' look. I was looking at all these people and got nervous, sure I was an assassin but I wasn't perfect, so Austin pulled me closer to him for comfort.

Then he spoke.

"Hello I called you to this meeting to tell you that I have found my mate." The whole room was filled with 'yas' and 'wohos' I started to get really freaked out.

"Her name is Caroline Quinn so she will be your luna." He looked at me and said.

"Don't be shy do you have anything to say?" I shock my head really slow. Then he looked back at the crowd.

"We will be having a big supper to celebrate tonight that is all." Everyone got up and we got off the stage but I was still nervous and Austin could sense that.

We got inside had the big dinner which was great and after I offered to help clean up but they just shooed me out of the kitchen. I greeted almost everyone in the house by that time it was late and I fell asleep on one of his couches in a room that no one was in.

Austins pov

She did well on stage ya she was nervous but she got over her fear.

"Hey have you guys seen Caroline I can't find her anywhere?" I asked my beta Chris.

"ya she in the theater room by her self." I looked at him with a confused look.

"Thanks." I walked into the theater and there she was sleeping on one of the couches and scary movie was on. She had a smile on her face so I read her mind.

In Caroline's mind:

"Wwwwhhhaaatttssss uuuupppp."

Austin's pov

I loved her simple mind. I walked over and picked her up bridal style again, man I do that a lot. Her head was resting on my chest as I took her up the stairs.

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