Chapter 9

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I've missed to many days of school I need to go back to school I need a job and go to college. He grabbed me which made me relax a little but my mind was still werrling about what my future is going to be like.

He popped into my head 'you don't have to have a job you dont even have to go to school any more' I thought 'schools almost over so I'll finish school and then I don't know do I want to go to college like I've always wanted to go to meet someone I'll love forever but know that I have you I dont need that because I already have it.' he tensed at the mention of other guys.

I got off the bed and stared at him for awhile until I noticed he was looking at me with lust in his eyes. I started to walk away cause I wasn't ready for that.

I ran but got caught by him he almost slammed me on the ground but he caught himself before he could hit the ground.

When he was in this state he scared the shit out of me so I did the only thing I could do, cry. In this state I felt so unsafe and felt like he was going to hurt me, and I knew I couldn't do anything to him.

I remembered what he did last time and it hit me that he was crushing that spot and it was in major pain.

I started crying more, when someone detached me from him and I got tossed on the ground.

I turned over and saw a guy yelling at Austin. He pointed to me and helped me up. The guy came over to me.

"Are you ok sorry about my son he thinks with the brain in his pants most of the time." I looked at him and saw the resemblance in their faces I laughed a little and notice my wound was bleeding from all the action.

"Shit!!" I said a little to loudly. I smiled at them and they both noticed the blood on my hands At the same time. I ran inside.

Austin's pov

Shit I hurt her again I ran after her as she went to the bathroom I watched in agony as she took off the bandage and winced at the pain. I came over to her when she started to cry and lean over the counter. I lifted her head up and wiped away her tears. She stared right into my eyes and I could see that she was thankful and happy I was here.

I fixed her up and brought her back outside. My dad was gone. We laid there in silence until it was about 8:00. She got up, grabbed her dress and went inside but not before saying.

"You are welcome to stay here if you want but tomorrow I have to go to school so I probably won't be here when you wake up."

I nodded then she went inside.

I went inside a couple minutes later and found her taking a shower. I went into my room and did the same thing. We both went to sleep perfectly happy I think.

Caroline's pov

I got up at 5:30 this morning well actually I couldn't sleep all night because of what happened yesterday. Questions like how did Austin's dad know there was something wrong and why does Austin always hurt me and what if this happens again. Every thing was so confusing I've done some research in the last like 8 hours and mates are supposed to be nice and care about each other.

While I was thinking these things I got ready for school. By the time I took my apple it was 7:15 and school started at 8,:15 so I had a lot of time. So I sat down and watched some tv before I had to go to school.

I heard him get up.

"Wow he's up early." I said to myself. I looked down the hall way and just laughed at how he looked.

He looked at me with a confused look on his face and it just made me laugh even more then before. I put my knees to my face to be more comfortable

"T..turn a..a.round!" I managed to get out between laughs. He turned around and looked in the mirror. He chuckled at him self as he looked at himself. It was now 7:30 and I was still laughing.

"I love your laugh."He said and I looked down and laughed in to my knees.

He sat down beside me and looked at me still laughing. I stopped automatically as the door bell rang and I had a serious face on straight away as I got the pistol out of the umbrella holder. I looked out the window and there was Austin's dad and mom. I relaxed and put the gun down and opened the door.

"Hello." Austin's mom said, "hello Mrs...... Um." She looked at me.

"Oh just called me Laural and this is my husband Fletcher." I blushed and looked at the time I had 30 minutes till I had to leave so I brought them over to the couch as the images of what happened hit me and I got a chill from Austin's eyes. I mentally slapped myself and paid attention to them as they talked and asked questions about me that I answered.

"I'm so sorry it was a nice time being with you but unfortunately I have to go to school I am terribly sorry." I got up and we said our good byes and I left.

School again I was invisible to everyone which I was kind of glad because lately I've been surrounded by people who want to know me and talk to me and....... Love me?

There was a note on my locker ' have a good day at school and remember I love you' I look around and wondered how he got here so quick. I put it in my locker and went to my first class.

Half way through the day I was outside for lunch laying in the sun when I smelt him, his scent sent chills down my back as I got a big waft of it. I looked to where it was coming from when the tip of my nose hit his. I looked at him shocked.

"How the hell..." Before I could stop he grabbed my face and kissed me, it was so spontaneous it even shocked him. He took his face away.

"I'm so..." Before he could finish I kissed him back, and just as fast as it happened it was over and I was sitting up letting the sun hit my face.

The sun taking the chills that I had and melted them away. The bell rang and I quickly got up and sprinted to the door leaving him alone in the field.

The rest of the day was pretty simple and I walked home.

When I got home I was engulfed in dude his hard body hit me like a fridge, he picked me up for no important reason and like a little kid I put my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck.

"Weeeeee! Where are we going." The thought of being heavy came into my mind, but I pushed it aside as he probably was strong enough anyways so I just injoyed the ride.

He brought me to the kitchen and sat me down on the counter. He was looking at me for awhile so I read his thoughts for fun.

In Austin's mind

' I can't believe she is mine all mine. She is the perfect person for me I want to take her now but I don't think she's ready. Well I need to go find a hooker like I've always done when I'm horny'

Caroline's pov

I got mad and he laughed I looked at him and got even madder because he tricked me. He cupped my face and kissed me with such passion that made everything inside me set on fire.

He picked me up again and brought me to the guest room. Him holding my thighs against him and me having my arms around his neck.

He laid me gently on the bed never taking his lips away. Is this really happening?

(My mom would kill me if I went into the horny details)

He started taking off my clothes and I pulled his shirt off. In about 2 minutes we were just in our tighty whitys.

He pressed me harder into him if that was even possible and deepened the kiss. All over shocks were exploding over our skin.

Then we were both in our birthday suits going at each other. Lets just say I'm not a virgin any more. But as this happened he bit me and drew blood, right where my neck meets my shoulder. I ran to the bathroom and put a towel on it to stop the blood. He came in and wrapped his arms around my waist. He took off the towel and I looked at the bloody pattern on it, there was a quarter moon.

Then he said these three words...

"Your officially mine."

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