chapter 36

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I looked at Austin with a shocked look.

"It was me that was attacking someone, that some one could have been you, but it wasn't I was attacking myself the monster that has been created in me has sprung from the cave deep down where it was hiding and finally attacked because you weren't there it was waiting for the right moment to spring. I've had these dreams before but not that violent and I never harmed myself because of them. You said I slept walked right? Well I did and I was looking for you, but in my dream I did that and I went into the spare room sneaking on one side hearing your snoring but your face wasn't there it was on the other side of the bed so I scrambled over there only to hear the snoring stop and when I looked down the red eyes opened and it jumped up at me but the weird thing was... It was me. So I was attacking someone else but who was I attacking?" That's when I realized that when I killed that man I did the exact thing in the dream but he didn't get a chance to attack.

"It's the man... The red eyed creature was the first man I killed. Hes just coming back and taking revenge but how?" Thinking this I looked in the mirror at my scrapes and saw a message written in them.

"I'm taking revenge." Great now what the hell am I supposed to do just let him destroy me for his revenge, he could kill me! How was I supposed to get rid of him what tell him sorry I killed you it was for your own good you would have killed a lot more people. Ugh why does my world have to be so screwed.

"Austin what do we have to do today?" I looked at him as I pulled open my underwear drawer.

"Well we have to get some wedding things finalized so there won't be any worries." I sighed but there was already worries.

"Austin what am I supposed to do with out you the night before the wedding?" He froze and looked into nothing.

You know what I'm getting rid of this once and for all.

"Austin I'll be back around 4 tonight I have to go visit friend." Finishing getting dressed I left Austin got on a motorcycle they had and drove to my old friend Avalon's house.

Avalon helped me along time ago, you see I'm psychic and I've never told any body well she helped me sort of get rid of it but I could use it any time I wanted to. I haven't yet, but she might be able to help me get rid of this guy and then I'll be free from all this.

I reached her house half way across down town and wast about to knock on her door when she opened it and I remembered that she can tell when I'm coming.

She was wearing dark blue jeans and a white frilly shirt her normal outfit. She had a smile on her face and moved out of the way so I could come in to her small colourful house.

"Come on." She led me to her living room and I sat down on a love seat as she sat on her huge white couch.

"So what can I help you with my dear?" I smiled and told her about the red eyed man and what had happened I also told her about the message and what Austin had experienced last night.

"Ok well it seems that when you killed that man you accepted his horrible soul that had been haunting him, and you would like to get rid of it would you?" I smiled and nodded. She thought for a while and wrote down a list a bunch of stuff on a piece of paper giving it to me.

"You will need these to get rid of him but you will have to do it by your self in a room all alone you understand?" She gave me a old red leather book and as soon as my fingers came in contact a surge of energy shot through me.

"This book will have all the instructions that you need to take away the struggling soul within you, you must also not tell anybody about this you understand." I shook my head and was about to get up but she pushed me back down.

"Your not telling me something what arn't you telling me Caroline?" She held my hand and I let her into my mind telling her all she needed to know, she closed her eyes concentrating but opened them when she learn't I was pregnant.

"You must do this quickly or the baby will have the same soul and will never get rid of it so hurry and do the spell today." She let go of me.

"Wait so your saying if I dont do the spell the baby will be curse by this too?" She nodded and I was out of there on my bike and to the store she recommended called 'moble Z's'. Arriving very soon I opened the door and was effected my the huge scent of incense. Thats a strong smell.

I waited at the counter for three minutes till a guy around my age came from the back and came to me, he almost looked exactly like Austin, it was almost scary.

"Hey I'm Aaron how may I help you?" He hadn't really looked at me yet so I slid the list over to him.

"Hey can I get the things on this list please." He looked at me slowly like he knew my voice.

"Caroline?" I furrowed my eyebrows how did this guy know me?

"Ya how do you know my name have we ever met?" Looking at him I couldn't find his face in my brain.

"Ya I was your first partner." I looked at him and my face must have turn white as he asked if I was ok and I didn't respond until I cleared my head from all the horrible things that were running through it.

"Ya I'm fine just I wouldn't have thought I would see you again." He smiled. "Ya I thought I would never see you again, hey weren't you the one to kill the bods a couple months ago?" I smiled.

"Ya that was me and how is it going over there in the firm huh? Fo you guys miss me? Did you get all the blood out of the floor?" I asked with sarcasm in my voice and my eyebrows up high. He laughed and turned around picking up some crystals and herbs from a cabinet and checking them off the list.

"Well after you were done everyone was quit traumatized and some people were surprised you let any body live." I was shocked.

"I let people live really omg." I said sarcastically and he laughed at me as he put the last bit of materials on the counter in front of me.

"You were always so funny weren't you Caroline, I've always loved that about you and still do." I backed up a little as he put his elbow on the counter putting his face closer to mine.

"Of corse I was but you should know that I'm getting married and I have a child on the way." He stood back a little after I said that and had a sad look.

"So who is he and I need to like him you know?" I laughed.

"You know he looks a lot like you, really strong handsome someone you can depend on someone you can tell everything to." I had a smile on my face as I thought him.

"He seems like a really awesome guy." I smiled at him and remembered the relationship between us.

"It felt like I was with you again and I guess I liked that, a tear fell down my face at the tragic memories that happened between us.

"Ya I wish we still had that." I nodded and he brought my face to his and he pressed his lips to mine. The kiss was so sweet and strong it brought more tears to my eyes.

"Just for good times sake."

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