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The walk over to my house was nice. Tobio had texted me that he had ended up winning the game and that he was on his way to dinner with Atsumu and Sakusa. I told him about the meet and then texted Makoto too. Every time my phone buzzed, I got nervous. I got scared that it was going to be Tobio and that I would have to tell him that he misunderstood. But was it so bad? Me and Tobi, we were good together. And that night *blush* along with the sprinkle of moments that followed *blush* Maybe it wasn't a misunderstanding? Maybe this was a gift, that I'd been too scared to explore? Maybe I was too scared to make a move, so it worked out for the best.

O: What are you thinking about? *smirks* Sharkboyyyyy?

I looked down at the jacket I was wearing and blushed again. If Tobio saw me in this he'd be so mad and probably rip off and that would probably lead to- WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING? My face blushed an even deeper shade of red.

O: I'll take that as a yes. Rin's nice, he'll be good for you.

"He's in Australia, is he good for me because he's far away?"

O: Preciously. If you're going to have a boyfriend might as well keep him at a respectable distance.

"Not like Wakatoshi who happens to live right down the road."

O: Or that Kageyama brat! No more sleepovers with him.

*blushes* Sleepovers with Tobio.... *getting redder* CONTROL YOURSELF WOMAN! "I uh will probably not be doing that for a while."

O: It was him.


O: Yesterday... you said you... you know, with one person. It was him.


O: It's okay. Really... I guess I just always thought it was going to be with me.

"That's not funny."

O: I'm not trying to be. were special. The only person I really loved.

"We literally just got done talking about how we saw each other as siblings."

O: (P/N), I was just saying that... Kuroo told me it'd be better for me to back off and then you told me you thought we'd grow apart anyway, but this hurts. *chuckles* I didn't think it would, but it does. *smiles sadly* I know, I know I'm not great for you and I know we never worked out, but I thought....

"Tooru.... I don't know what to say."

O: You said it was once is that true?

"Tooru, it's only going to hurt you."

O: I need to know you're not mine anymore. I need to hear it.

"I ...I was technically telling the truth. It was just once... in bed... and then once in the shower... and in the kitchen ... and-"

O: Okay I can't listen to this anymore.

"I was about to say that was it. We had to go to school after and we were going to be late."

O: So are you guys... together?

"No, it was a one night leading into a one-morning thing. After we left the apartment, we didn't talk about it much. We promised nothing would change."

O: So the day I ran into you.

"Yeah....Tooru, are you sure this is the closure you need?"

O: I'm sure.

"If it makes you feel better, I was happy. It was with someone I love. I was safe and he made me feel special....It was perfect. I wouldn't have wanted it to be with anyone else."

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