Chapter 53: MY TOBI'S IN LOVE

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Seven days, that's how long I've been riding this "change of mindset" wave. It's been seven days and I've loved every second of it. Was I still sad sometimes if I caught myself thinking about Kuroo? Yes. But did I cry myself to sleep at night anymore? ABSOLUTELY THE FRICK I THINK NOT! In these seven days I have laughed more, smiled harder, and built more bonds than I ever could have and it was all thanks to Sato's advice and Bokuto's constant support. Between practicing recieves with Hinata, tutoring Noya and Tanaka, and running our classroom's culture fair with Yachi, I can honestly say I was all put back together. "Oh come on, it doesn't hurt that bad. Stop being such a baby."

K: Never again. I will never hang out with you EVER again.

*Flashback to this morning*

"Tobi pleaseeeeeee."

K: No.


K: No

"Oh Hinataaaaaaa."

K: Wait don't ask someone else I'll do it.

"Perfect LET'S GO!"

K: I'll go, but I'm going to complain the whole time.

Tobi and I had taken the afternoon off to work at an animal shelter. The animal shelter was in need of volunteers and I had to finish up some hours as a graduation requirement. I knew it would be fun, but I also didn't want to go alone, so I asked the first person that came to mind. "Tobi, you need the volunteer hours too. This is a good thing. Stop pouting"

K: I still have two more years to worry about that.

"But they're puppies. Look at his little face." Tobi looked at the puppy trying to figure out what was so great about it. Unfortunately he got too close and scared the puppy, which caused it to bite down on his nose.

*End of Flashback*

"So you got an itty, bitty, little, peck on the nose. What's the big deal?"


"Some people find that kinky." Tobi punched me on the head. "OWWW *under breath* You didn't have to hit me, we're going to get your stupid ice cream."


"Nothing Dr. Doolittle. " I pushed Tobi into the ice cream shop before he could respond. Dairy and Volleyball, the keys to his heart, and to his mouth. The girl at the register eyed me with a bored look, but that all changed when she saw Tobi. You could see her drooling from a mile away as the hearts in her eyes replaced her pupils.

Ice Cream Girl: HI! And welcome to Milky Madness! How may I help you?!

"Hi, can I have a (flavor) milkshake?"

Ice Cream Girl: Sure... And what about you Handsome, is there anything I can get you?

K: A vanilla soft serve on a cone please.

Ice Cream Girl: Coming Right Up! So, do you go to school around here?

"We go to -"

Ice Cream Girl: Not you.

K: We go to Karasuno.

Ice Cream Girl: Oh that's amazing! Wait I think I recognize you! You're on the volleyball team! I'm a first year at Aoba Johsai, I saw you at the Spring High Tournament and thought you were amazing! You were even cooler than Oikawa-sama.

K: Thank You

"Gee I sure am getting thirsty. I wish my drink would hurry up."

Ice Cream Girl: You're number 9 right?! I'm Himari Ichiyama! What's your name?

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