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When I finally ran far enough I stopped to take a break. I looked around and realized I was at the park. This park, I had to stop coming here. It was the same park Kuroo told me he loved me at. It was the same park Tooru and I spent time making memories all those years ago. I grew up here and now I'm crying here. I smiled sadly as I sat on the swing and looked up at the sky. "We go back a long way don't we? Sorry I've put you through so much, but thank you for coming along the way."

O: I think the park realizes that you're growing up with it.


O: I knew you'd be here. Stop, please, don't run. At least give a guy a break. I just caught my breath.

Tooru came over and sat down next on the swing next to me. "Our moms used to sit here and watch us play."

O: Yeah. This park sure does bring back memories. It's been a while since I've been back.

"Yeah, that's what happens when you leave the country to become a volleyball superstar."

O: I'm not a superstar. Not yet anyway.

"Tooru. Why are you here? I know it's not for a walk down memory lane."

O: I know I've been gone for a little while, but is it not a free country anymore? Can't a man take a walk into the park and reminisce about memories with an old friend?

"Okay, I'll leave you to 'reminisce' on your own." I got off the swing and began to walk away, but Tooru grabbed my wrist.

O: (P/N). I think you know why I'm here, but you just want to hear me say it. So I will. (P/N)...... I came here, because I love you.

Go, go, GO. THE SCENE IS NOT SAFE. REPEAT. THE SCENE IS NOT SAFE. I moved my arm to start running again, but Tooru held on tighter. He pulled me up against his chest.

O: No. No more running, this conversation is happening now. (P/N), I get that you're scared, but there's no... but that's not a reason to keep running away from me.

"I am not scared. It's just.... a force of habit at this point. I have nothing to run away from, I'm fine. I made my peace with you leaving."

: You can drop your guard. It's okay that you're scared. You don't always have to be fine. I know deep down, you're terrified.

"There is nothing I have to be terrified about. What could happen that hasn't already? You left. We split. If anything we should try and focus on rebuilding our friendship. We should focus on trying to save your friendship with Hajime.

O: I think you're scared to be happy.

"I've been perfectly happy without you in my life."

O: Then to be loved?

I couldn't argue with that logic. "I told you I was fine."

O: Then why can't you look at me?

Why? I ...I ... I don't know.

O: I tried to call you.

"I blocked you."

O: I tried to write.

"I needed space."

O: (F/N), will you ever forgive me? Will you ever let me love you again? Don't run away from this, from what we have. We were really good together. We can make this work.

"Run away? From what we have?" Oh now I was pissed. I pushed Tooru away and looked him straight in the eye. "Maybe you're a little confused between me and that other girl you have in Brazil, but let me give you a reality check on 'what we have' . WEEEEE HAVE NOTHING. Zip, zero. Ziltch. NADA. I WAS going to forgive you for being a glorified ass. I WAS going to forgive you for leaving me high and dry. I WAS going to forgive you for destroying YEARS of friendship with your selfish actions. But NOW I'm not. And that's because just like with everything else that you do, it has to be some big spectacle where I end up the brunt of the joke.

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