Chapter 63: TIME WILL TELL

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Day 1: Friday

I missed him, but I still couldn't cry. I wasn't going to school today and mom didn't ask me to. When she came in to check on me she saw how sad I looked. It was 5 o'clock and she just came home from work.

M: Hey honey, how's my favorite girl?

"I'm fine."

M: That's good. Are you hungry? I could bring you something to eat?

"No, it's okay."

M: Well then how about we open the curtains and get some light in?

"No, it's okay. I like it dark." I turned up the movie I was watching again as my mom kissed me on the head and walked away. She was the only one allowed in.

Day 4: Monday

M: Morning Sunshine. Ready for school?

I put the blanket over my head as she opened the curtains to let the light through. "Can you close it please?" She sighed and begrudgingly obliged.

M: Your phone has been ringing off the hook all weekend. You're quite popular. Lots of friends. Do you want to call any of them back?

"They all hate me. They're not my friends."

M: That's not true (P/N). Aiko loves you, and Kageyama, I think he likes you a little more than a friend. He's stopped by every day since Frida to check on you. Do you want me to let him up?


M: Okay, sweetie get some rest. It'll all be okay.

I snuggled deeper into Tooru's sweatshirt as I closed my eyes to go to sleep again. Tooru, come home.

Day 5: Tuesday

I woke up to mom petting my hair.

M: Sweetie, can Hajime come in to see you? He misses his baby sister.


M: But (F/N), you know he's sorry.

"Me too. Sorry I wasn't born an only child."

M: You don't mean that. Hajime is your best friend.

" No, he's Tooru's best friend."

M: Sweetie

"Mom, just go."

Mom sighed picking up my plate. I had taken a few bites as not to worry her, but she still wasn't happy. "Mom, you said he was my soulmate. What happened?" She signed again.

M: I don't know Baby. I still think he is, but only time will tell. Life has a funny way of bringing people back into your life when you least expect it.

Day 6: Wednesday

M: (F/N), this is getting ridiculous. Get up. It's time for school. You haven't seen daylight in six days, you're losing weight and you stink. Go take a bath. You can't sit in that sweatshirt and those sweatpants forever, it's not healthy.

"Mommy.... What's wrong with me?"

Mom sighed as she'd done everyday she visited.

M: Nothing sweetie. You're my perfect angel. What could possibly be wrong with you?

"How come every time I tell someone I love them they leave me?"

M: That's not true. Look at me. I'm still here and so are your dad and Hajime. Not to mention Kageyama. He comes everyday without fail before school and after practice. You also have a nice boy named Bokuto who has been calling every day. Apparently he's from Tokyo and is thinking of coming for a visit. He says he misses you very much.

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