Chapter 41: MY MASTER PLAN

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"He left, I can't believe he left. Aiko, he hates me." After Tetsuro walked away I called Aiko crying. She brought me back to her apartment.

A: He doesn't hate you, if he did, you guys would've broken up. You're on a break it's different

"He hates me." I was slamming my head against the wall. "Stupid, stupid, stupid. I knew he hated Tooru with his shirt on.Daichi told us to think before we act. WHY CAN'T I THINK BEFORE I ACT."

A: I want to be on your side, but you slept over another guy's house and you're wearing his shirt.

"That guy was Tooru. Everyone knows he doesn't count as a guy. I already told Tetsu nothing happened. Plus I was running laaaaaate."

A: Is there a reason he wouldn't trust you?

"He says it's not me he doesn't trust, but Tooru."

A: I don't know maybe call Kenma.

"That's actually some helpful advice! I think I will." I grabbed my phone and dialed up my favorite pudding head's number. "Kenma, hey."

K: (P/N), I thought I'd hear from you sooner or later.

"Did Tetsu-"

K: Yeah, he did.

"That's good, at least he's talking about it."

K: He was more annoyed than anything. I was going to let him be, but after he punched a wall there was no ignoring it anymore.

"He did what? Is his hand okay?"

K: It's fine, he just needed to blow off some steam. He knows you didn't do anything wrong, but I guess he's more mad at the fact that you're in two different places.

"I missed his game, I promised I'd be there. Kenma, is he around I'm coming over. I have to talk to him, I have to fix this."

K: I don't like getting involved, so I won't, but if you want my advice I'd give him the day. Let him process, then talk to him tomorrow.

*sigh* "Alright, thank you Kenma, I really appreciate it."

K: (P/N), it'll be okay. He'll get over it. He might seem like he's got it all together, but he's never been this possessive or happy with anyone else. You keep him guessing, and I'm not sure he's used to that. He loves you, just give him some time.

We said our goodbyes and with that piece of advice in mind I decided to give Testu the night. Time, he needed time. "TIK TOK HOW MUCH TIME DOES ONE PERSON FREAKIN NEED."

A: (P/N), it's been an hour.

"Okay, but an hour without me is miserable."

A: It's nice to see your confidence is still intact.

"MHMMMMMMMMMM AIKOOOOOOOO. Why is this such a big deal? If you and Tetsu had a sleepover I wouldn't care."

A: I'm sure if you and Tobio had a sleepover he wouldn't care either.

A sleepover with Tobi?A light dust of pink dusted my cheeks. If it was anything like the sleepover with Tooru... my face grew even darker.



A: But what if you didn't?


A: But what if

"Just because you raise your eyebrows and smile like that doesn't make the question any less invasive."

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