Chapter 46: NO MORE DRAMA

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I walked over to the table with the liquor and started drinking my feelings away. No way were those two going to ruin my night. They deserved each other. I took a shot of the first thing I saw.

B: Woah. Didn't know you were a whiskey kind of girl.

There he was, in all his glory. Even though it was dark, his smile still lit up the room. I smiled back at the face I didn't know I most wanted to see. "Bokuto!" I jumped on him and gave him a hug. Being around his warmth, feeling safe and like someone was genuinely happy to be with me; it made me want to cry. I started to tear up, but I stopped myself. I'm not shedding another tear about this. He doesn't deserve it. I'm not going to give those two the satisfaction of knowing that they hurt me, of knowing that I still care because it did and I do, but in Bokuto's arms, it would all be okay. A lone tear fell out of my eye as I looked up at Bokuto. "I missed your hugs." He smiled down at me and wiped the tear that was sliding down my cheek.

B: Then come to Tokyo and get them more often.

I laughed then put on my best pout. "Why can't you come to Miyagi instead?"

A: He's here right now, and she was in Tokyo last week

I waved a hello to Akaashi, not wanting to leave Bokuto's embrace.

A: You also facetime every day.

I snuggled deeper into Bokuto's embrace as he wrapped his arms tighter around me. "It's not the same."

B: I know what you mean. It's like my arms feel... empty?

A: This is getting gross.

"Awwwwww. Is someone jealous that I'm stealing their best friend?"

A: He's all yours. Send me your address, I'll be mailing his belongings.

Bokuto pouted and whined Akaashi's name. I might not have seen him previously, but right now, he was my drinking partner. We were going shot for shot and dominating at pong. Inbetween that and mastering flip cup, we danced to whatever stupid song was playing on Tanaka's playlist. We were having so much fun until I noticed Kuroo had started staring at us. Idiot. Bokuto followed my line of vision. His smile had turned into a frown, and his eye hardened.

B: Did he bother you at all today?

"He didn't have to, his little girlfriend did."

B: Haruka?

"Yeah, she's the one." I picked up another shot and drank it. "To the happy couple, may their love last."

B: But may the black eyes last longer.

I slapped Bokuto's chest and laughed. "You knew."

B: I may have seen you throw in a couple of good hits, but I missed most of the good stuff. I tried looking for you after, but that bastard really knows his way around. I couldn't find you.

I forced a smile on my face and lightly punched his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself. I'll get my revenge by being happy and having fun."

B: Screw that. Let's go. I know a way to get some real revenge.

Bokuto grabbed me and pulled me back onto the dance floor when the song changed to Tusa by Karol G and Nicki Minaj. I followed the rhythm of the music with Bokuto. I turned around and started moving my hips against him as he held on and pulled me closer. Half way through the song I turned back around and wrapped my arms around his neck. We continued dancing to rhyme blocking everything out. Then our eyes met. In that moment it was just the two of us; laughing, dancing, having a good time. For the first time all week, I didn't have to pretend to be happy, because in that one moment, I was. Those golden orbs stared back at me almost as if they were asking for permission to come closer. Can I, they screamed. We both leaned in. Just as our lips were about to touch Kuroo pulled me by my arm and dragged me away. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?"

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