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The month flew by in the blink of an eye. Practices were as chaotic as ever, but the team was rapidly progressing. Outside the court, the boys had dedicated a lot of time to studying. Exams came and went and most of us passed with flying colors. Only two people had failed and you can already guess who they were. Yachi had taken Hinata's failure a little hard. Turns out, he had actually gotten all the answers right, but messed up filling in the answer sheet correctly. Tobi messed up on his reading comp and so with heavy hearts the two would be left behind. Tanka did promise the two that if they passed their supplementary test on the first day he'd find a way to get them to Tokyo. We were currently on the bus about an hour away. Tetsuro and I would have a whole week together and my level of excitement was through the roof. Throughout the month I've had dinner with Tetsuro's father, we've gone to the amusement park, the beach, some picnics and more. When I go visit Tetsuro, Aiko lets me stay at her place so I don't have to keep going back and forth. Aiko and I were back to our old selves. She understood that I spent my days with Tetsuro,because I spent my nights with her. Our nights are filled with all our favorite things. Singing, dancing, games, movies, and SNACKS. It was like being in middle school all over again. When Tobi and Hinata joined us, the week would officially be perfect. My only worry was Haruka Nakamura. After her rise to popularity in middle school we had stopped speaking. She found out the real reason why Oikawa was dating her and hated me for it. While I can't blame her, it also wasn't my fault. Tetsuro had said she was one of the managers for Bokuto's team. It's been three years and while I'm not sure if I'm ready to face her, I know I'm bound to. Tetsuro had said she was a relatively sweet girl. Shy, but with the right people around, a lit firecracker. He had told her that we knew each other to which she just said she hoped high school was going well for me. Maybe when the popularity faded the terrible personality she picked up went with it. Aiko had advised the following tactical plan.

A: Just walk up to her with your other group of manager friends, this way she'll be forced to introduce herself to you. From there, just match her energy.

Solid as a rock I guess. The bus had stopped in front of Nekoma High and there was no stopping me. I had seen my favorite raven haired rooster everyone else just had to catch up. Everyone was collecting their stuff to get off the bus when I jumped off the bus and into Tetsuro's arms. Tetsuro had leaned down and kissed me when I heard



I turned around and gave them the sweetest smile I could muster while my eyes showed pure rage "Tanka, Noya, come off the bus."

*gulp* T: NAHHHH, I think we're good right here.

"Are you sure Senpai? You both had such FUNNY things to say. I think *cracking knuckles* WE ALL WANT TO HEAR SOME MORE.."

I was about to go teach them a lesson they'd never forget, but Tetsuro wrapped his arms around me and put his head on top of mine.

K: Stop being such a bully. They were just teasing.

D: Yeah (P/N), you know we're short a couple of guys. We need all the help we can get. *Daichi chuckles*

*puff cheeks and mumbles* "Whatever." Once everyone was off the bus, Tetsuro grabbed my bag for me, put his arm over my shoulder and started walking us toward the direction of the gym. We got there right in time to see Yamamoto freak out over Yachi and Kiyoko. *mutters under breath* "He's never had that reaction over me." I looked up to see Tetsuro laughing. *blushes* "What's so funny?"

K: Baby girl, are you really jealous *raise an eyebrow* because Yamamoto doesn't freak out over you? *To Daichi and everyone else* You guys can head inside the gym whenever you're ready. The rest of our team is already in there. *smirks* I'm borrowing your medic for a couple minutes. We have some.. unfinished business.

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